IZA Journal of Development and Migration, Sciendo

ISSN: 2520-1786

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 102
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2018Changing wage structure in India in the post-reform era: 1993-2011Jacoby, Hanan G.; Dasgupta, Basab
2018What makes you go back home? Determinants of the duration of migration of Mexican immigrants in the United StatesCarrión-Flores, Carmen
2018Do employers in Myanmar prefer workers who accumulated skills in more advanced countries? Evidence from a field experimentWah, Saw Htay
2018Transnational social mobility of minorities: A comparative analysis of 14 immigrant minority groupsKislev, Elyakim
2018Comparing retrospective and panel data collection methods to assess labor market dynamicsAssaad, Ragui; Krafft, Caroline; Yassin, Shaimaa; Rienzo, Cinzia
2018Gender gaps in the path to adulthood for young females and males in six African countries from the 1990s to the 2010sKabubo-Mariara, Jane; McKay, Andy; Newell, Andy; Rienzo, Cinzia
2018Liberalization of European migration and the immigration of skilled people to SwedenEjermo, Olof; Zheng, Yannu
2018Job dissatisfaction and migration: Evidence from TajikistanAbdulloev, Ilhom
2018Correlates of business survival: Empirical evidence on youth-owned micro and small enterprises in Urban EthiopiaWoldehanna, Tasssew; Amha, Wolday; Yonis, Manex B.
2018Does it matter if immigrants work in jobs related to their education?Dean, Jason
2018The effect of immigration shocks on native fertility outcomes: Evidence from a natural experimentSeah, Kelvin K. C.
2018Systematic measurement error in self-reported health: Is anchoring vignettes the way out?Dasgupta, Aparajita
2018Jobs for Africa's expanding youth cohort: A stocktaking of employment prospects and policy interventionsBetcherman, Gordon; Khan, Themrise
2018Mixed effects of remittances on child educationBucheli, José R.; Bohara, Alok K.; Fontenla, Matías
2018Acquisition of permanent residence by temporary foreign workers in Canada: A panel study of labour market outcomes before and after the status transitionCi, Wen; Hou, Feng; Morissette, René
2018First fired, first hired? Business cycles and immigrant labor market transitionsXu, Huanan
2018Labor market mobility and the early-career outcomes of immigrant menJavdani, Mohsen; McGee, Andrew
2018Word to the mother(tongue): Language access and Medicaid for Limited English Proficient migrantsLiou, Wayne
2018Just like a woman? New comparative evidence on the gender income gap across Eastern Europe and Central AsiaBlunch, Niels-Hugo
2018Land tenure policy and off-farm employment in rural ChinaChang, Hongqin; Ai, Ping; Li, Yuan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 102