EconPol Forum, CESifo GmbH

ISSN: 2752-1184

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 1038
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022How do taxation and regulation affect the real estate market?Dolls, Mathias; Gstrein, David; Krolage, Carla; Neumeier, Florian
2022The Location of Asylum Seekers in Europe Before and Afer Russia's Invasion of UkraineGuichard, Lucas; Machado, Joël; Maystadt, Jean-François
2022The Link between Gender Gaps and Employment PolarizationRendall, Michelle
2021Short-Termism and Executive CompensationFlammer, Caroline
2021The Integration Challenges of Female Refugees and Migrants: Where Do We Stand?Albrecht, Clara; Pérez, Maria Hofbauer; Stitteneder, Tanja
2021Economic Policy Goals of the Sustainable Finance Approach: Challenges for SMEsHainz, Christa; Wackerbauer, Johann; Stitteneder, Tanja
2021Impact-Weighted Financial Accounts: A Paradigm ShifRouen, Ethan; Serafeim, George
2021Carbon Pricing and Revenue Recycling: An Overview of Vertical and Horizontal Equity Effects for GermanyEdenhofer, Ottmar; Kalkuhl, Matthias; Roolfs, Christina
2021Tracking Government Responses to Covid-19: The CoronaNet Research ProjectCheng, Cindy; Messerschmidt, Luca; Thorvaldsdottir, Svanhildur; Albrecht, Clara; Hainz, Christa; Stitteneder, Tanja; Barceló, Joan; Grujic, Vanja; Allison, Spencer Hartnett; Kubinec, Robert; Model, Timothy; Schenk, Caress
2021Is Working from Home Here to Stay? A Look at 35 Million Job AdsAlipour, Jean-Victor; Langer, Christina; O'Kane, Layla
2021Will the Covid-19 Pandemic Leave a Lasting Legacy in Children's Skill Development?Werner, Katharina; Woessmann, Ludger
2021Discretionary Intervention Destabilizes the EU Emissions Trading System: Evidence and Recommendations for a Rule-Based Cap AdjustmentPahle, Michael; Edenhofer, Ottmar
2021Covid-19 Economic Policy as Double Disadvantage for Young Australian WorkersO'Keeffe, Patrick; Johnson, Belinda; Daley, Kathryn; Papadopoulos, Angelika
2021Brexit and European Finance: Prolonged LimboVéron, Nicolas
2021ESG Investments and Investors' PreferencesDöttling, Robin; Kim, Sehoon
2021Statistics UpdateNam, Chang Woon
2021Walking the Tightrope: Avoiding a Lockdown While Containing the VirusÉgert, Balázs; Guillemette, Yvan; Fabrice, Murtin; Turner, David
2021The EU Budget and the Role of Public GoodsDíaz, Antonia
2021WTO Reform As a Triangular Problem among China, the EU and the USHoekman, Bernard; Wolfe, Robert
2021Government Interventions during the Coronavirus Pandemic – A Critical ConsiderationBartholomae, Florian W.; Stumpfegger, Eva
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 1038