EconPol Forum, CESifo GmbH

ISSN: 2752-1184

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 1038
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2023The role of fiscal policy measures in mitigating the effects of the Covid-19 crisis in GermanyChristl, Michael; De Poli, Silvia; Hufkens, Tine; Peichl, Andreas; Ricci, Mattia
2023Reforming EU fiscal governance: A golden rule for public investments?Blesse, Sebastian; Dorn, Florian; Lay, Max
2023Who should bear the burden of increasing fiscal pressure? An optimal income taxation perspectiveAyaz, Mehmet; Fricke, Lea; Fuest, Clemens; Sachs, Dominik
2023Rewarding compliance with fiscal rules: A proposal for reform of the stability and growth pactRichter, Wolfram F.
2023Eight recommendations to reconstruct and modernize UkraineBandura, Romina
2023Introduction to the issue on how sanctions work: And which goals they fail to achieveNam, Chang-woon
2023Fiscal sustainability: Interest rates, growth and debt-based policy rulesEconomides, George; Philippopoulos, Apostolis
2023Regional income inequality in GermanyFrieden, Immo; Peichl, Andreas; Schüle, Paul
2023Economic sanctions and military expenditure in Iran: A brief surveyFarzanegan, Mohammad Reza
2023The single market and common policies in uncommon circumstancesBertola, Giuseppe
2023The role of the diaspora for the recovery of UkraineAdema, Joop; Giesing, Yvonne; Panécenko, T. V.; Poutvaara, Panu
2023"Laying foundations for building back better in Ukraine": Policy actions and principles for a strong transition and recovery processBjerde, Anna
2023It's in the data: Improved market power mitigation in electricity marketsAdelowo, Jacqueline; Bohland, Moritz
2023Solving the enforcement dilemma of the EU fiscal rulesDermine, Paul; Larch, Martin
2023The European internal market thirty years onMicossi, Stefano
2023Do resource sanctions work?Konrad, Kai A.; Thum, Marcel
2023How to reconstruct UkraineÅslund, Anders
2023What should be the economic priorities in post-war Ukraine?Hartwell, Christopher A.; Boyarchuk, Dmytro
2023On the economic effects of financial sanctions: Evidence from GermanyGoldbach, Stefan; Nitsch, Volker
2023EU economic governance and the climate crisisDelatte, Anne-Laure
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 1038