ifo DICE Report, ifo Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München

ISSN: 2511-7823

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 681
2019Labour Market Reforms and Collective Bargaining in FranceNikolka, Till; Poutvaara, Panu
2019Deposit Insurance and Cross-Border Deposits in Times of Banking CrisesKleimeier, Stefanie; Sander, Harald; Qi, Shusen
2019Learning to Forecast Business Conditions – Evidence from German ReunificationTriebs, Thomas P.; Tumlinson, Justin
2019Reflections on Transition After 30 Years: Transition vs. ConvergenceWachtel, Paul
2019Innovation Policy in PolandSzczygielski, Krzysztof
2019Employment Effects of Minimum WagesChristl, Michael; Köppl-Turyna, Monika; Kucsera, Dénes
2019The Effect of Home Computers and the Internet on Children’s Human Capital DevelopmentMalamud, Ofer
2019Patent Shifing and Anti-Tax Avoidance LegislationKnoll, Bodo; Riedel, Nadine
2019The Parameters of the French Minimum Hourly WageAskenazy, Phillippe
2019From Equality, Democracy, and Public Health to Economic ProsperityGylfason, Thorvaldur
2019Deposit Insurance and Cross-Border Bankse Azevedo, João Valle; Bonfim, Diana
2019Innovation Policy and CausalityHünermund, Paul; Czarnitzki, Dirk
2019The Effects of the Compulsory Minimum Wage in GermanyBossler, Mario; Möller, Joachim
2019Exemption Provisions of the German Small Investor Protection Act: A Follow-up StudyHainz, Christa; Hornuf, Lars; Nagel, Lisa; Reiter, Sarah; Stenzhorn, Eliza
2019Deposit InsuranceAnginer, Deniz; Bertay, Ata Can
2019Taxing German Old-age Pensions Fairly and EffcientlyGenser, Bernd; Holzmann, Robert
2018T2 Balances: A Legal PerspectiveAthanassiou, Phoebus L.
2018IntroductionKonrad, Kai A.; Rocholl, Jörg
2018The Redenomination Risk of Eurozone Exit for GreeceLapavitsas, Costas
2018Scenarios and Distributional Implications of a Household Wealth Tax in IrelandLawless, Martina; Lynch, Donal
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 681