ifo DICE Report, ifo Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München

ISSN: 2511-7823

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 481 bis 500 von 681
2008Bank Regulation in JapanTamaki, Nobusuke
2008The Corporate Tax Reform of 2008: Germany’s Answer to Globalization – or Just Patchwork?Baretti, Christian; Radulescu, Doina Maria; Stimmelmayr, Michael
2008Flexicurity in DenmarkAndersen, Torben; Svarer, Michael
2008Driving Factors of the Subprime Crisis and Some Reform ProposalsRudolph, Bernd; Scholz, Julia
2008Gender Budgeting in AustriaSchratzenstaller, Margit
2008How Corporate Tax Competition Reduces Personal Tax RevenueMooij, Ruud A. De; Nicodème, Gaëtan J.A.
2008International Large Scale Assessment of Vocational Education and Training (VET-LSA)Baethge, Martin; Arends, Lena
2008Supervision of the Irish Banking System: A Critical PerspectiveO’Sullivan, K.P.V.; Kennedy, Tom
2008Towards an EU Framework for Safeguarding Financial StabilityNieto, Maria J.; Schinasi, Garry J.
2008Trading Uncertainties: The Transatlantic Divide in Regulating BiotechnologyJasanoff, Sheila
2008Two-tier Employment Protection Reforms: The Spanish ExperienceBentolila, Samuel; Dolado, Juan Jose; Jimeno, Juan F.
2008Reduction of Employment Protection in OECD Countries: Its Driving ForcesOchel, Wolfgang; Röhn, Oliver; Rohwer, Anja; Stratmann, Thomas
2008Political Support and Tax Reforms: An Italian ExampleProfeta, Paola
2008Creating an EU Flexicurity System: An American PerspectiveBurkhauser, Richard V.
2008Fiscal Equalization: The Case of German MunicipalitiesBuettner, Thiess; Holm-Hadulla, Fédéric
2008Why Governments Should Invest in Early EducationBarnett, W. Steve
2008The Case for Investing in Disadvantaged Young ChildrenHeckman, James J.
2008Risk Adjustment Systems in Health Insurance Markets in the US, Germany, Netherlands and SwitzerlandSchneider, Udo; Ulrich, Volker; Wille, Eberhard
2008Flexicurity as a Policy AgendaAuer, Peter; Gazier, Bernard
2008Control Mechanisms for Sovereign Wealth Funds in Selected CountriesKern, Steffen
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 481 bis 500 von 681