ifo DICE Report, ifo Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München

ISSN: 2511-7823

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 501 bis 520 von 681
2008Efficient Provision of High-Quality Early Childhood Education: Does the Private Sector or Public Sector Do It Best?Blau, David; Currie, Janet
2008Reform of the Swiss Fiscal Equalisation SystemFrey, René L.; Wettstein, Gérard
2008The Canadian Federal-Provincial Fiscal Equalization SystemDahlby, Bev
2008Fiscal Equalisation in Australia: High Level VFI and Equity Focused HFEWarren, Neil
2008European Employment and the Flexicurity OptionNunziata, Luca
2007The European Emissions Trading Scheme: An Overview of Operations and LessonsGrubb, Michael
2007Burden Sharing in Climate Change PolicySandmo, Agnar
2007The Choice of InstitutionsAlesina, Alberto
2007Institutional Determinants of Economic Performance in OECD Countries – An Institutions Climate IndexEicher, Theo; Röhn, Oliver
2007Does Dividend Policy Have a Political Dimension? The British CaseBank, Steven; Cheffins, Brian; Goergen, Marc
2007Can Adverse Effects of Poor Investor Protection Be Mitigated by Incoming Foreign Investment?Kelley, Eric; Woidtke, Tracie
2007Private Sector Participation in Water and Sanitation for Developing CountriesRudolph, Karl-Ulrich; Harbach, Michael
2007Diversity in Shareholder Protection in Common Law CountriesLele, Priya P.; Siems, Mathias M.
2007Controlling vs. Minority Shareholders: is There Expropriation? An Empirical Analysis of the Stock Price Performance of European CompaniesGuedes, Jose; Loureiro, Gilberto
2007Water Sector Regulation in FranceBarraqué, Bernard; Bris, Cédric Le
2007Storable Votes: Giving Voice to Minority Preferences without Sacrificing EfficiencyCasella, Alessandra; Palfrey, Thomas; Riezman, Raymond
2007A Chinese Recipe for Curbing the Evasion of Commodity Taxes?Marchese, Carla
2007Some Reflections on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Multijurisdictional Antitrust Enforcement in EuropeCayseele, Patrick Van
2007US Experience with Emissions TradingEllerman, A. Denny
2007An Economic Theory of Constitutional ChoiceTicchi, Davide; Vindigni, Andrea
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 501 bis 520 von 681