ifo DICE Report, ifo Institut – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München

ISSN: 2511-7823

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 681
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012The New New Labour Market Reform in Spain: Objectives, Instruments, and ShortcomingsBentolila, Samuel; Dolado, Juan J.; Jimeno, Juan F.
2012Emissions Trading and Energy Policy – Worldwide Trends and Current ProblemsBarre, Niklas Lüder; Gronwald, Marc; Lippelt, Jana
2012Why Countries Matter for Monetary Policy Decision-Making in the ESCBHayo, Bernd; Méon, Guillaume
2012The Impact of Education on Crime: International EvidenceHjalmarsson, Randi; Lochner, Lance
2012Dutch Pension System Reform. A Step Closer to the Ideal System DesignBroeders, Dirk; Ponds, Eduard H.M.
2012Labour Market in Estonia: Responding to the Global Finance CrisisEamets, Raul
2012Assessing the European Central Bank's Euro Crisis PoliciesBaltensperger, Ernst
2012The European Central Bank in (the) CrisisEijffinger, Sylvester; Hoogduin, Lex
2012Learned from Mistakes? An Assessment of the "Global Go-To Think Tanks" Rankings 2011Wohlrabe, Klaus
2012Reform of Higher Education Finance and Access to College in RussiaKaganovich, Michael
2012Prospects for Nuclear Power in EuropeThomas, Steve
2012Supranationalism in Monetary Policy Decision-MakingBadinger, Harald; Nitsch, Volker
2012Green Growth and Nuclear EnergyRogner, Holger
2012The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Migration and Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants in OECD CountriesChaloff, Jonathan; Dumont, Jean-Christophe; Liebig, Thomas
2012Trade and Climate Change: Leaking PledgesBollen, Johannes; Brink, Corjan; Koutstaal, Paul; Veenendaal, Paul; Vollebergh, Herman
2012The Constitutional Design of the European Central BankSeidel, Martin
2012Nuclear Energy in the European Union after Fukushima: Political and Economic ConsiderationsKiyar, Dagmar; Wittneben, Bettina F.
2012The Crime – Immigration Nexus: Evidence from Recent ResearchBell, Brian; Machin, Stephen
2012The Dutch Labour Market: Great Recession - Small Impactvan, Jan C. Ours
2012Policy Mixes in the Current Pension Reform ProcessBörsch-Supan, Axel H.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 681