Series/Report no.:
14th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS): "Mapping ICT into Transformation for the Next Information Society", Kyoto, Japan, 24th-27th June, 2017
Despite the unprecedented global diffusion of Pokémon Go, some refuse to jump on the bandwagon of this augmented reality (AR) mobile gaming. This exploratory study conducts in-depth interviews with 30 non-adopters (discontinuers and resistors), after the gaming experienced setbacks, in order to identify the factors affecting young Taiwanese smartphone users and gamers’ innovation resistance. The results show physical and time risk concerned both groups of non-adopters when they got addicted to Pokémon Go, pinpointing the significance of physical danger and temporal issues in relation to innovation resistance. Discontinuers and resistors had further distinct reasons for resisting the game. Usage barrier had a strong impact on discontinuers. Playing the game is not compatible with their schedule, leading them to stop playing Pokémon Go. While image barrier was the prominent factor for resistors. Even without playing the game, they perceived the game negatively leading them to refuse to play the game.