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Results 191-200 of 900.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2019Challenges regarding the internationalisation of universities from Scotland, within the Brexit landscapeDincă, Violeta Mihaela; Ingram, Richard; Herriot, Christopher; Pelău, Corina
2009Managing Service Quality within the Knowledge-Based Economy: Opportunities and ChallengesPlumb, Ion; Zamfir, Andreea
2015Social Entrepreneurship - Innovative Solutions' Provider to the Challenges of an Ageing Population: The Case of Romanian RetireesDragusin, Mariana; Welsh, Dianne H. B.; Grosu, Raluca Mariana; Iosif, Alina Elena; Zgura, Ion Daniel
2014Responsibilities and Limits of Local Government Actions against Users of Public Services of Planning and Sustainable Territorial Development in RomaniaSuditu, Bogdan; Nae, Mariana; Negut, Silviu; Gheorghilas, Aurel
2015Reporting of Non-Financial Performance Indicators – a Useful Tool for a Sustainable Marketing StrategyCalu, Adriana; Negrei, Costel; Calu, Daniela Artemisa; Avram, Viorel
2010Responsible Commercial Activity Of Smes And Specific Values Of Sustainable Development In Terms Of The European Excellence ModelOlaru, Marieta; Dinu, Vasile; Stoleriu, Ghiorghiţa; Şandru, Diana; Dincă, Violeta
2015"Corporate Scene Investigation": A Praxeological Attempt to Sketch the Profile of the Entrepreneur in Modern BusinessJora, Octavian-Dragomir; Topan, Mihai-Vladimir; Muşetescu, Radu Cristian; Apăvăloaei, Matei-Alexandru
2014The Effects of Faulty or Potentially Harmful Products on Brand Reputation and Social Responsibility of BusinessMunteanu, Claudiu-Catalin; Florea, Dorian-Laurentiu; Pagalea, Andreea
2014Creator of Economic Opera, Founder and Reformer of Economic School – the Rector Paul BranCiobanu, Ghenadie; Radulescu, Carmen Valentina; Ioan, Ildiko
2016Measuring Economic Growth Using Data Envelopment AnalysisŠkare, Marinko; Rabar, Danijela