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Results 201-210 of 900.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016Family Business as Source of Municipality Development in the Czech RepublicRydvalová, Petra; Horynová, Eva Karhanová; Zbránková, Magdalena
2014Quality and Vision in the Romanian Tourism AgenciesAtanase, Anca; Schileru, Ion
2014Estimation of Potential GDP and output Gap. Comparative PerspectiveMantescu, Dorin; Lazar, Dan-Tudor
2017"Dialectical Contradictions" in the Neoclassical Theory and Policy Regarding Market Competition: The Consumer and His Continuos Burden of CrisisJora, Octavian-Dragomir; Hurduzeu, Gheorghe; Iacob, Mihaela; Crețan, Georgiana-Camelia
2017Assessment of the State of Implementation of Excellence Model Common Assessment Framework (CAF) 2013 by the National Institutes of Research – Development – Innovation in RomaniaPopescu, Cristina Raluca; Popescu, Gheorghe N.; Popescu, Veronica Adriana
2017Models and Practice of Retail Location on the Romanian MarketCazabat, Gerard; Belu, Mihaela Gabriela; Popa, Ioan; Paraschiv, Dorel Mihai
2017International Migration - Economic ImplicationsGrosu, Raluca Mariana
2015Developing an online collaborative system within the domain of financial auditingNăstase, Pavel; Eni, Lucian Cristian
2016Statistical Confrontation of the Evolution of Tourism in the North East Region in Comparison with the other Regions of RomaniaArionesei, Gabriela; Hapenciuc, Cristian-Valentin; Costea, Mihai
2014Analysis of the Romanian Insurance Market Based on Ensuring and Exercising Consumers' Right to ClaimArmeanu, Dan; Istudor, Nicolae; Florinel, Sgârdea Marian; Burca, Ana-Maria