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Results 231-240 of 900.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012The Effective Management of Municipal Real Property. The Question of Services for the Business Use of Real PropertyConstantin, Daniela Luminiţa; Drăguşin, Mariana; Petrescu, Raluca Mariana; Iosif, Alina Elena
2013Plurality or convergence in sustainability reporting standards?Albu, Nadia; Albu, Catalin Nicolae; Dumitru, Madalina; Dumitru, Valentin Florentin
2017Economic Effects of Migration from Poland to the UKSimionescu, Mihaela; Bilan, Yuriy; Mentel, Grzegorz
2012Drivers of Marketing Innovation in Portuguese FirmsMoreira, Jacinta; Silva, Maria Jose; Simões, Jorge; Sousa, Gastão
2015The Role of Openness and Entrepreneurial Curiosity in Company's GrowthJeraj, Mitja; Marič, Miha; Todorović, Ivan; Čudanov, Mladen; Komazec, Stefan
2017Valuation of Company Merger from the Shareholders' Point of ViewToll, Christian; Hering, Thomas
2018Assessment of the circular economy's impact in the EU economic growthVuță, Mariana; Vuţă, Mihai; Enciu, Adrian; Cioacă, Sorin-Iulian
2019The role of bioenergy in transition to a sustainable bioeconomy: Study on EU countriesCîrstea, Ştefan Dragoş; Cîrstea, Andreea; Popa, Irimie Emil; Radu, Gabriel
2017Competition on the University Educational Services Market in Romania and the Protection of Students' Rights and InterestsBrătucu, Gabriel; Palade (Zamfirache), Alexandra; Madar, Anca; Neacsu, Nicoleta Andreea; Boşcor, Dana; Băltescu, Codruţa Adina
2014The Management Education of the Rural EntrepreneurStefan, Eugen Bruno