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Results 261-270 of 900.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2017Best Practices for Integrating the Romanian Small Farmers into the Agri-Food ChainBoboc, Dan; Popescu, Gabriel; Stoian, Mirela; Lădaru, Georgiana-Raluca; Petrache, Dan Cosmin
2016Perceptions of the Slow Food Cultural Trend among the YouthVoinea, Lelia; Atanase, Anca; Schileru, Ion
2014Quality of the Teaching Process and its Factors of Influence from the Perspective of Future Business SpecialistsDrule, Alexandra-Maria; Popa, Irimie Emil; Nistor, Razvan; Chis, Alexandru
2019Green jobs creation: Main element in the implementation of bioeconomic mechanismsLuca, Florin-Alexandru; Epuran, Gheorghe; Ciobanu, Claudia-Ioana; Horodnic, Adrian V.
2014The Perception of the Academics and Students Regarding the Entrepreneurial Education Iin Economic EducationNistoreanu, Bogdan Gabriel; Gheorghe, Georgica
2016A Look at Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions in Two Service Sectors from RomaniaVrânceanu, Carmen Andreea; Iorgulescu, Maria-Cristina
2017Innovation. An Instrument for Development of CompaniesNica, Ana-Maria; Stancu, Ion; Stancu, Dumitra
2015Good Practices in Educating and Informing the New Generation of Consumers on Organic FoodstuffsVoinea, Lelia; Popescu, Dorin Vicenţiu; Negrea, Mihai Teodor
2015Are Risk Attitudes and Individualism Predictors of Entrepreneurship? A Multivariate Analysis of Romanian DataHatos, Adrian; Hatos, Roxana; Bădulescu, Alina; Bădulescu, Daniel
2013Traditional products – vectors of sustainable development on the regional and national marketsGheorghe, Georgica; Nistoreanu, Bogdan Gabriel; Filip, Alina