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2015Business Environment and Creative Industries in RomaniaVolintiru, Clara; Miron, Dumitru
2011Corporate Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Competitive AdvantageMiron, Dumitru; Petcu, Monica; Sobolevschi, Iulia Maria
2021A muldimensional approach of the relationship between teleworking and employees well-being: Romania during the pandemic generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virusMiron, Dumitru; Petcu, Monica Aureliana; David-Sobolevschi, Maria Iulia; Cojocariu, Radu Cezar
2022Good practices in reforming the common agricultural policy to support the European Green Deal: A perspective on the consumption of pesticides and fertilizersAlexoaei, Alina Petronela; Robu, Raluca Georgiana; Cojanu, Valentin; Miron, Dumitru; Holobiuc, Ana-Maria
2021The governance impact on the Romanian trade flows: An augmented gravity modelTamaș, Anca; Miron, Dumitru
2019The European model of development faced with the quaternary sector emergence testMiron, Dumitru; Șeuleanu, Dragoș; Cojocariu, Cezar Radu; Benchea, Laura
2023Doctor Honoris Causa Laureates of the Bucharest University of Economic StudiesIstudor, Nicolae; Miron, Dumitru
2023Micro and Macroeconomic Impact of the EU Energy PolicyMiron, Dumitru
2023The Strategic Repositioning of the European Union Consumers in the Context of the Energy Paradigm Change. From the Traditional Supplier-User Relationship to the Emergence of the ProsumersMiron, Dumitru; Epurescu, Vlad; Budacia, Elisabeta Andreea
2024The influence of contexts in the process of choosing a university productMiron, Dumitru; Brandabur, Raluca Ecaterina; Maita, Daniel Nicolae; Darie, Flavius Cosmin; Goldbach, Dumitru; Lixandru, Ion-Danut