Economics Working Paper Series, CER-ETH – Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 373
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Voluntary adoption of environmental standards and limited attention: Evidence from the food and beverage industry in VietnamFilippini, Massimo; Srinivasan, Suchita
2020Emission-based interest rates and the transition to a low-carbon economyBöser, Florian; Colesanti Senni, Chiara
2020Sustainability traps: Patience and innovationDioikitopoulos, Evangelos V.; Karydas, Christos
2020Open rule legislative bargainingBritz, Volker; Gersbach, Hans
2020Can information about energy costs affect consumers choices? Evidence from a field experimentBoogen, Annina Angelina; Daminato, Claudio; Filippini, Massimo; Obrist, Adrian
2019Flexible majority rules for cryptocurrency issuanceGersbach, Hans
2019Pricing climate change risks: CAPM with rare disasters and stochastic probabilitiesKarydas, Christos; Xepapadeas, Anastasios
2019Are consumers attentive to local energy costs? Evidence from the appliance marketHoude, Sébastien; Myers, Erica
2019The impact of policy awareness: Evidence from vehicle choices response to fiscal incentivesCerruti, Davide; Daminato, Claudio; Filippini, Massimo
2019Climate change financial risks: Pricing and portfolio allocationKarydas, Christos; Xepapadeas, Anastasios
2019Consumer myopia in vehicle purchases: Evidence from a natural experimentGillingham, Kenneth; Houde, Sébastien
2019A model-based clustering approach for analyzing energy-related financial literacy and its determinantsKumar, Nilkanth
2019Buffering volatility: Storage investments and technology-specific renewable energy supportAbrell, Jan; Rausch, Sebastian; Streitberger, Clemens
2019North-South diffusion of climate-mitigation technologies: The crowding-out effect on relocationIng, Julie; Nicolai, Jean-Philippe
2019On banking regulation and lobbyingGersbach, Hans; Papageorgiou, Stylianos
2019Designing an EU ship recycling licence: A roadmapDevaux, Caroline; Nicolaï, Jean-Philippe
2019Valuing meteorological services in resource-constrained settings: Application to smallholder farmers in the Peruvian AltiplanoBrausmann, Alexandra; Flubacher, Moritz; Lechthaler, Filippo
2019Malthus in the light of climate changeBretschger, Lucas
2019Time-consistent resource management with regime shiftsArvaniti, Maria; Krishnamurthy, Chandra K.; Crépin, Anne-Sophie
2019Investments in worker health and labor productivity: Evidence from VietnamFilippini, Massimo; Srinivasan, Suchita
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 373