Economics Working Paper Series, CER-ETH – Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 373
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014Experimentation in Democratic MechanismsBritz, Volker; Gersbach, Hans
2014How Effective Are Energy-Efficiency Incentive Programs? Evidence from Italian HomeownersAlberini, Anna; Bigano, Andrea
2014Persistent and Transient Productive Inefficiency: A Maximum Simulated Likelihood ApproachFilippini, Massimo; Greene, William
2014Does the Swiss Car Market Reward Fuel Efficient Cars? Evidence from Hedonic Pricing Regressions, Matching and a Regression Discontinuity DesignAlberini, Anna; Bareit, Markus; Filippini, Massimo
2014A Dual Approach to Ambiguity AversionBommier, Antoine
2014Existence of Equilibria in Exhaustible Resource Markets with Economies of Scale and InventoriesBommier, Antoine; Bretschger, Lucas; Le Grand, François
2013Subglobal climate agreements and energy-intensive activities: An evaluation of carbon leakage in the copper industryLanz, Bruno; Rutherford, Thomas F.; Tilton, John E.
2013Complements and Substitutes in Generalized Multisided Assignment EconomiesTejada, Oriol
2013Dynamics of Indirect Land-Use Change: Empirical Evidence from BrazilAndrade de Sá, Saraly; Palmer, Charles; Di Falco, Salvatore
2013Measurement of the “Underlying energy efficiency” in Chinese provincesFilippini, Massimo; Zhang, Lin
2013A Theory of Threshold ContractsBecker, Johannes Gerd; Gersbach, Hans
2013Creating Attachment through Advertising: Loss Aversion and Pre–Purchase InformationKarle, Heiko
2013Cap-and-Trade Climate Policy, Free Allowances, and Price-Regulated FirmsLanz, Bruno; Rausch, Sebastian
2013'Underlying Energy Efficiency' in the USFilippini, Massimo; Hunt, Lester C.
2013Accounting for Different Uncertainties: Implications for Climate Investments?Hector, Svenja
2013A Robust Approach to Risk AversionBommier, Antoine; Le Grand, François
2013Pollution Permits, Imperfect Competition and Abatement TechnologiesChristin, Clémence; Nicolaï, Jean-Philippe; Pouyet, Jerome
2013Unobserved heterogeneous effects in the cost efficiency analysis of electricity distribution systemsAgrell, Per J.; Farsi, Mehdi; Filippini, Massimo; Koller, Martin
2013On the Global Supply of Basic ResearchGersbach, Hans; Schneider, Maik T.
2013What drives fraud in a credence goods market? Evidence from a field studyRasch, Alexander; Waibel, Christian
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 373