ECIPE Working Papers, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE)

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 41
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Shifting into digital services: Does a crisis matter and for who?van der Marel, Erik
2017Restrictions on cross-border data flowsFerracane, Martina F.
2016Assessing the solar energy dispute between the European Union and the People's Republic of ChinaPlasschaert, Sylvain R. F.
2014A friendly fire on economic recovery: A methodology to estimate the costs of data regulationsVan der Marel, Erik; Bauer, Matthias; Lee-Makiyama, Hosuk
2014The internationalization of the Renminbi and the rise of a multipolar currency systemCampanella, Miriam
2012The Renminbi on the internationalisation trailPlasschaert, Sylvain
2011Is the Renminbi undervalued? The myths of China's trade surplus and global imbalancesPlasschaert, Sylvain
2011A guide to CAP reform politics: Issues, positions and dynamicsZahrnt, Valentin
2011What is driving the rise in health care expenditures? An inquiry into the nature and causes of the cost diseaseErixon, Fredrik; Van der Marel, Erik
2011Food security and the EU's common agricultural policy: Facts against fearsZahrnt, Valentin
2011Future-proofing world trade in technology: Turning the WTO IT Agreement (ITA) into the International Digital Economy Agreement (IDEA)Lee-Makiyama, Hosuk
2010The Treaty of Lisbon and the European Union as an actor in international tradeWoolcock, Stephen
2010The political economy of EU anti-dumping reformDe Bièvre, Dirk; Eckhardt, Jappe
2010Baltic economic reforms: A crisis review of baltic economic policyErixon, Fredrik
2010Trade, globalisation and emerging protectionism since the crisisErixon, Fredrik; Sally, Razeen
2009A blueprint for reform of the WTO agreement on agricultureZahrnt, Valentin
2009The WTO's trade policy review mechanism: How to create political will for liberalization?Zahrnt, Valentin
2009The trade effects of European antidumping policyKhatibi, Arastou
2009Cause-of-injury analysis in European antidumping actionsHindley, Brian
2009Public money for public goods: Winners and losers from CAP reformZahrnt, Valentin
Publikationen (sortiert nach Title in Descendinger Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 41