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Ergebnisse 1-10 von 31.
2023On the way to climate neutrality: Scenarios can facilitate the transition of companies and the financial sector
In: Band: 13, 2023, Heft: 25, S. 183-190
Ballesteros, Fernanda; Hüttel, Alexandra; Neuhoff, Karsten; Marchewitz, Catherine
2023International partnerships for a just energy transition: Findings from South Africa
In: Band: 13, 2023, Heft: 5, S. 44-49
von Lüpke, Heiner; Aebischer, Charlotte; Bolaños, Martha
2023US inflation reduction act demands quick strategic action from the EU
In: Band: 13, 2023, Heft: 6, S. 54-60
Bernoth, Kerstin; Meyer, Josefin
2023Investments in energy-efficient building renovation are on a downward slide
In: Band: 13, 2023, Heft: 32/33, S. 225-232
Gornig, Martin; Klarhöfer, Katrin
2023Employment opportunities of refugee women in Germany are improving despite starting at a disadvantage
In: Band: 13, 2023, Heft: 19/20, S. 134-140
Cardozo, Adriana R.
2023Ukrainian refugees: Nearly half intend to stay in Germany for the longer term
In: Band: 13, 2023, Heft: 28, S. 203-214
Brücker, Herbert; Ette, Andreas; Grabka, Markus M.; Kosyakova, Yuliya; Niehues, Wenke; Rother, Nina; Spieß, C. Katharina; Zinn, Sabine; Bujard, Martin; Décieux, Jean Philippe; Maddox, Amrei; Schmitz, Sophia; Schwanhäuser, Silvia; Siegert, Manuel; Steinhauer, Hans Walter
2023German economy currently scarcely making headway
In: Band: 13, 2023, Heft: 36/37, S. 245-253
Bönke, Timm; Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine; Baldi, Guido; Engerer, Hella; Hüttl, Pia; Kholodilin, Konstantin; Kurcz, Frederik; Neef, Theresa; Pagenhardt, Laura; Röger, Werner; Rullière, Marie; Scherer, Jan-Christopher; Schildmann, Teresa; Staffa, Ruben; Trautmann, Kristin; Wittich, Jana
2023Strong support for a universal basic income, in particular among those who would benefit
In: Band: 13, 2023, Heft: 21, S. 143-150
Busemeyer, Marius R.; Rinscheid, Adrian; Schupp, Jürgen
2023Reform of reduced earning capacity pension cuts risk of poverty, but comes late
In: Band: 13, 2023, Heft: 17/18, S. 123-129
Becker, Sebastian; Gehlen, Annica; Geyer, Johannes; Haan, Peter
2023New DIW Berlin model can nowcast the current income distribution: Inequality likely to slightly increase in 2023
In: Band: 13, 2023, Heft: 43/44, S. 283-289
Bönke, Timm; Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine; Pagenhardt, Laura