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Results 81-90 of 272.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021Need for long-term care depends on social standingGeyer, Johannes; de Haan, Peter W.; Kröger, Hannes; Schaller, Maximilian
2019German economy: A recession is not automatically a crisisMichelsen, Claus; Clemens, Marius; Hanisch, Max; Junker, Simon; Cholodilin, Konstantin; Schlaak, Thore
2021German economy between lockdowns and normalityMichelsen, Claus; Berenberg-Gossler, Paul; Clemens, Marius; Hanisch, Max; Junker, Simon; Kholodilin, Konstantin; Pagenhardt, Laura
201920 years of common European monetary policy: Reasons to celebrateFritsche, Jan Philipp; Harms, Patrick Christian
2020Bank levies can make bank balance sheets more resilient, but high corporate tax rates dampen the effectBremus, Franziska; Tonzer, Lena
2018Top-decision naking bodies of large businesses: Gender quota for supervisory boards is effective - development is almost at a standstill for executive boardsHolst, Elke; Wrohlich, Katharina
2018Refugees in Germany with children still living abroad have lowest life satisfactionGambaro, Ludovica; Kreyenfeld, Michaela; Schacht, Diana; Spieß, C. Katharina
2022Expanding solar energy capacity to power the transition to heat pumpsRoth, Alexander; Gaete Morales, Carlos David; Guéret, Adeline; Kirchem, Dana; Kittel, Martin; Schill, Wolf-Peter
2019German economy performing well despite odds: Time to rethink debt rulesMichelsen, Claus; Baldi, Guido; Bruns, Martin; Clemens, Marius; Knedlik, Geraldine Dany; Engerer, Hella; Fratzscher, Marcel; Gebauer, Stefan; Hanisch, Max; Junker, Simon; Cholodilin, Konstantin A.; Rieth, Malte; Schlaak, Thore
2023Reform of reduced earning capacity pension cuts risk of poverty, but comes lateBecker, Sebastian; Gehlen, Annica; Geyer, Johannes; Haan, Peter