DIW Weekly Report: Economy. Politics. Science. - DIW Berlin

ISSN: 2568-7697

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 271
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021Nuclear turn: Closing down nuclear power plants opens up prospects for the final repository site searchKendziorski, Mario; Kemfert, Claudia; Präger, Fabian; von Hirschhausen, Christian R.; Sogalla, Robin; Steigerwald, Björn; Wealer, Ben; Weinhold, Richard; Weyhing, Christoph
2021Global economy: USA and China leading the way, Europe lagging behindMichelsen, Claus; Baldi, Guido; Berenberg-Gossler, Paul; Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine; Engerer, Hella
2021LGBTQI* People in Germany Face Staggering Health DisparitiesKasprowski, David; Fischer, Mirjam; Chen, Xiao; de Vries, Lisa; Kroh, Martin; Kühne, Simon; Richter, David; Zindel, Zaza
2020Mentoring programs support the integration of refugeesKrieger, Magdalena; Jaschke, Philipp; Kroh, Martin; Legewie, Nicolas; Löbel, Lea-Maria
2020Coronavirus pandemic plunging global economy into a serious recessionMichelsen, Claus; Baldi, Guido; Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine; Engerer, Hella; Gebauer, Stefan; Rieth, Malte
2020More women on supervisory boards: Increasing indications that the effect of the gender quota extends to executive boardsKirsch, Anja; Wrohlich, Katharina
2020Identifying effective combinations of economic policy measures for the coronavirus recession in EuropeBernoth, Kerstin; Clemens, Marius; Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine; Gebauer, Stefan
2020Nuclear power worldwide: Development plans in newcomer countries negligibleSorge, Lars; Kemfert, Claudia; von Hirschhausen, Christian R.; Wealer, Ben
2020Mothers in Eastern and Western Germany: Employment rates and attitudes are converging, full-time employment is notBarth, Denise; Jessen, Jonas; Spieß, C. Katharina; Wrohlich, Katharina
2020Proportion of women on top-decision making bodies of large companies increasing, except on supervisory boards in the financial sectorKirsch, Anja; Wrohlich, Katharina
2020Millionaires under the microscope: Data gap on top wealth holders closed; wealth concentration higher than presumedSchröder, Carsten; Bartels, Charlotte; Göbler, Konstantin; Grabka, Markus M.; König, Johannes
2020The gender pay gap begins to increase sharply at age of 30Schrenker, Annekatrin; Zucco, Aline
2020The storm-impervious financial sector: Offshore services likely booked abroadMiethe, Jakob
2020Mobile money is driving financial development in AfricaLehmann-Uschner, Katharina; Menkhoff, Lukas
2020From Iran to Russia to Hong Kong: Geopolitical risks are weighing on the German economyHanisch, Max
2020Financial stability: New, detailed datasets allow for innovation of stress testsInhoffen, Justus; van Lelyveld, Iman
2020Social integration of refugees is improvingSchmidt, Katja; Jacobsen, Jannes; Krieger, Magdalena
2020Refugees' high employment expectations: Partially metGraeber, Daniel; Schikora, Felicitas
2020Bank levies can make bank balance sheets more resilient, but high corporate tax rates dampen the effectBremus, Franziska; Tonzer, Lena
2020EU ETS cap must and can be reduced more quicklyZaklan, Aleksandar; Duscha, Vicki; Gibis, Claudia; Wachsmuth, Jakob; Weiß, Jan; Kemfert, Claudia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 271