Technical Reports, SFB 475: Komplexitätsreduktion in multivariaten Datenstrukturen, TU Dortmund

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 595
2007Non-crossing nonparametric estimates of quantile curvesDette, Holger; Volgushev, Stanislav
2007Robust designs for series estimationDette, Holger; Wiens, Douglas P.
2006Long memory with Markov-Switching GARCHKrämer, Walter
2006Bias-Correcting the Realized Range-Based Variance in the Presence of Market Microstructure NoiseChristensen, Kim; Podolskij, Mark; Vetter, Mathias
2006Nonparametric regression as an example of model choiceDavies, Paul Lyndon; Gather, Ursula; Weinert, Henrike
2006Balanced Growth and Empirical Proxies of the Consumption-Wealth RatioHoffmann, Mathias
2006Robust Learning from Bites for Data MiningChristmann, Andreas; Steinwart, Ingo; Hubert, Mia
2006Structural Change and long memory in the GARCH(1,1)-modelAzamo, Baudouin Tameze; Krämer, Walter
2006Cross-Sectional Correlation Robust Tests for Panel CointegrationHanck, Christoph
2006Modelling and Understanding of ChatterWolfrum, P.; Gepperth, A.; Sandamirskaya, Y.; Webber, Oliver; Raabe, Nils
2006Estimation of N-acetyltransferase 2 haplotypesBolt, Hermann M.; Dannappel, Doris; Blaszkewicz, Meinolf; Samimi, Mirabutaleb; Golka, Klaus; Selinski, Silvia
2006Long range financial data and model choiceDavies, Paul Lyndon
2006Making Indefinite Kernel Learning PracticalMierswa, Ingo
2006Boosting Classifiers for Drifting ConceptsScholz, Martin; Klinkenberg, Ralf
2006Constrained optimal discriminating designs for Fourier regression modelsBiedermann, Stefanie; Dette, Holger; Hoffmann, Philipp
2006Discount curve estimation by monotonizing McCulloch SplinesDette, Holger; Ziggel, Daniel
2006Does sensitivity to cashflow news explain the value premium on European stock markets?Nitschka, Thomas
2006Exact optimal designs for weighted least squares analysis with correlated errorsDette, Holger; Kunert, Joachim
2006Mixed Signals Among Panel Cointegration TestsHanck, Christoph
2006Robust Filters for Intensive Care Monitoring: Beyond the Running MedianSchettlinger, Karen; Fried, Roland; Gather, Ursula
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 595
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