Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science. The bi-annual academic publication of Universidad ESAN, Emerald Publishing

ISSN: 2218-0648

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 218
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024The relationship between goodwill and capital structure and the moderating effect of financial market developmentThakur, Oli Ahad; Matemilola Bolaji Tunde; Bany Ariffin Bin Amin Noordin; Alam, Md. Kausar; Prabowo, M. Agung
2024The specific factors of heterogeneity characterizing investors' beliefsChenini, Hajer; Jarboui, Anis
2024Spillovers between cryptocurrencies, gold and stock markets: Implication for hedging strategies and portfolio diversification under the COVID-19 pandemicLamine, Ahlem; Jeribi, Ahmed; Fakhfakh, Tarek
2024Impact of private and public initiatives on individuals' employment and income during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from PeruMongrut, Samuel Arturo; Cruz, Vivian; Pacussich, Daniela
2024The relationship between dividend policy and earnings management: A causality analysisBen Salah, Olfa; Jarboui, Anis
2024Do credit risks deter FDI? Empirical evidence from the SAARC countriesAlam, Md. Badrul; Tahir, Muhammad; Ali, Norulazidah Omar
2024Impact of competition and concentration on bank income smoothing in Central and Eastern European countriesShala, Albulena; Ozili, Peterson K.; Ahmeti, Skender
2024Foreign direct investment and local interpretable model-agnostic explanations: A rational framework for FDI decision makingSingh, Devesh
2024Exploring the importance of the perceived value of port users: Evidence from the public port system in EcuadorPedraza Rodríguez, José Antonio; García-Briones, Martha Yadira; Mora-Márquez, César
2024The impact of relationship marketing practices on companies' market and financial performance in emerging marketsRebiazina, Vera; Sharko, Elena; Berezka, Svetlana
2023Sustainable marketing activities, event image, perceived value and tourists' behavioral intentions in the sports tourismWang, Junfeng; Butkouskaya, Vera
2023Consumers' purchase intention of rapid COVID-19 testsAimer Cortez Alejandro, Klender; Rodríguez García, Martha; Reich, Christian
2023Types of organizational culture and sustainability in ecotourism businesses in southern MexicoMedina-Álvarez, Efraín; Sánchez-Medina, Patricia S.
2023A count model of financial inclusion in Ghana: Evidence from living standards surveysIssahaku, Haruna; Muhammed, Munira Alhassan; Musah Abu, Benjamin
2023Institutional ownership, earnings management and earnings surprises: Evidence from 39 years of U.S. dataDavis, Justin G.; García Cestona, Miguel Angel
2023Estimation of the aggregate import demand function for Mexico: A cointegration analysisRomero, José; Aliphat, Rodrigo
2023A recent review on optimisation methods applied to credit scoring modelsKamimura, Elias Shohei; Pinto, Anderson Rogério Faia; Nagano, Marcelo
2023Prospect theory in the financial decision-making process: An empirical study of two Argentine universitiesde Guevara Cortés, Rogelio Ladrón; Tolosa, Leticia Eva; Rojo, María Paula
2023Market reaction to firms' investments in CSR projectsCherkasova, Viktorija; Fedorova, Elena; Stepnov, Igor
2023Editorial: 60th anniversary of the foundation of ESAN and first special section on business economics in Ibero-AmericaSalcedo, Nestor U.; Mongrut, Samuel
Publikationen (sortiert nach Title in Descendinger Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 218