Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science. The bi-annual academic publication of Universidad ESAN, Emerald Publishing

ISSN: 2218-0648

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 161 bis 180 von 218
2016Corporate governance characteristics and valuation: Inferences from quantile regressionAli, Fekri; Abdelnabi, Milad; Iqbal, Hafezali; Alaeddin, Omar; Bin, Omer
2016Does innovation strategy affect financial, social and environmental performance?Ezzi, Ferdaws; Jarboui, Anis
2016Valorización de opciones reales: modelo Ornstein-UhlenbeckTresierra, Álvaro; Carrasco Montero, Claudia Marilia
2016La tasa interna de retorno promedio borrosa: desarrollos y aplicacionesMilanesi, Gastón S.
2016Determinants of financial information disclosure: A visualization test by cognitive mapping techniqueGaroui, Nassreddine
2016Pricing maximum-minimum bidirectional options in trinomial CEV modelPeng, Bin; Peng, Fei
2016Calibración de parámetros de los modelos de tasas de interés NS y NSS para Colombia: una nota técnicaVelásquez Giraldo, Mateo; Gutiérrez Betancur, Juan Carlos; Almonacid Hurtado, Paula María
2016Institutionalist versus distortionist views of labor market reforms: An investigation into the post-liberalized manufacturing sector in IndiaBhandari, Anup Kumar; Sudarsan, Arun
2016Stock market index prediction using artificial neural networkHedayati Moghaddam, Amin; Hedayati Moghaddam, Moein; Esfandyari, Morteza
2015Sales training: A state of the art and contemporary reviewSingh, Vijay Lakshmi; Manrai, Ajay K.; Manrai, Lalita A.
2015Threshold effects of inflation on growth in the ASEAN-5 countries: A Panel Smooth Transition Regression approachThanh, Su Dinh
2015The readability of international illustration of auditor's report: An advanced reflection on the compromise between normative principles and linguistic requirementsFakhfakh, Mondher
2015The integration of stock exchanges: The case of the Latin American Integrated Market (MILA) and its impact on ownership and internationalization status in Colombian brokerage firmsYepes-Rios, Beatriz; Gonzalez-Tapia, Kelly; Gonzalez-Perez, Maria Alejandra
2015Effective use of marketing technology in Eastern Europe: Web analytics, social media, customer analytics, digital campaigns and mobile applicationsJayaram, Dureen; Manrai, Ajay K.; Manrai, Lalita A.
2015Emerging Markets Integration in Latin America (MILA) Stock market indicators: Chile, Colombia, and PeruLizarzaburu Bolaños, Edmundo R.; Burneo Farfán, Kurt; Galindo, Hamilton; Berggrun, Luis
2015Malaysian finance sector weak-form efficiency: Heterogeneity, structural breaks, and cross-sectional dependenceChing Kok, Sook; Munir, Qaiser
2015Latin America's challenge: A fresh look at industrial policyHaar, Jerry
2015Training and development as a tool for improving basic service delivery; the case of a selected municipalityMpofu, Mthokozisi; Hlatywayo, Clifford Kendrick
2015Little value creation, articulation and propagating forces: A hypothesis for the Mexican manufacturing sectorRoca Tavella, Santiago; Simabuko Nako, Luis
2015The impact of risk and mobility in dualistic models: Migration under random shocksMartins, Ana P.
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 161 bis 180 von 218