FMM Working Paper, Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Hans-Böckler-Stiftung

ISSN: 2512-8655

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 102
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2019What's wrong with modern money theory (MMT): A critical primerPalley, Thomas I.
2019Central bank independence: A rigged debate based on false politics and economicsPalley, Thomas I.
2018Helicopter Ben, monetarism, the New Keynesian credit view and loanable fundsFiebinger, Brett; Lavoie, Marc
2018Distribution-led growth through methodological lensesNikiforos, Michaelis
2018The "uncovered inflation rate parity" condition in a monetary unionAcocella, Nicola; Pasimeni, Paolo
2018Three globalizations, not two: Rethinking the history and economics of trade and globalizationPalley, Thomas I.
2018Re-theorizing the welfare state and the political economy of neoliberalism's war against itPalley, Thomas I.
2018Income shares, secular stagnation, and the long-run distribution of wealthPetach, Luke; Tavani, Daniele
2018Further insights on endogenous money and the liquidity preference theory of interestLavoie, Marc; Reissl, Severin
2018The economics of the super-multiplierPalley, Thomas I.
2018What went wrong with Italy, and what the country should now fight for in EuropeCesaratto, Sergio; Zezza, Gennaro
2018The evolution of money debate: Functionalism versus chartalism, Schumpeterian dynamics, Gresham's fallacy, and how history constrains public financePalley, Thomas I.
2018Recovering Keynesian Phillips Curve Theory: Hysteresis of Ideas and the Natural Rate of UnemploymentPalley, Thomas
2018Could a national wage rule stabilize the current account and functional income distribution in the Euro area? A study on wages, profits, and prices in peripheral countriesLogeay, Camille; Joebges, Heike
2018Government Spending and the Income-Expenditure Model: The Multiplier, Spending Composition, and Job Guarantee ProgramsPalley, Thomas
2018Distribution, wealth and demand regimes in historical perspective. USA, UK, France and Germany, 1855-2010Stockhammer, Engelbert; Rabinovich, Joel; Reddy, Niall
2018Peripheral Europe beyond the Troika: Assessing the "success" of structural reforms in driving the Spanish recoveryCárdenas, Luis; Villanueva, Paloma; Álvarez, Ignacio; Uxó González, Jorge
2018Making sense of Piketty's "fundamental laws" in a Post-Keynesian framework: The transitional dynamics of wealth inequalityEderer, Stefan; Rehm, Miriam
2018Financialisation and innovation in emerging economics: Evidence from BrazilJibril, Halima; Kaltenbrunner, Annina; Kesidou, Effi
2018Revisiting debt-led and export-led growth models: A sectoral balances approachBehringer, Jan; van Treeck, Till
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 102