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2021Do Instabilities in National Macroeconomic Factors Contribute to Channeling Volatility Spillover from the Global to the Islamic Equity Market?
In: Band: 24, 2021, Heft: 1, S. 103-121
Muharam, Harjum; Najmudin, Najmudin; Mawardi, Wisnu; Arfinto, Erman Denny
2021Ukrainian Migration Aspirations towards Germany: Analysis and Development Scenarios
In: Band: 24, 2021, Heft: 1, S. 65-84
Boiko, Vitalii; Mulska, Olha; Baranyak, Ihor; Levytska, Olha
2021The European Union's Position in Global Foreign Direct Investment Flows and Stocks: Institutional Attempts to Improve It
In: Band: 24, 2021, Heft: 1, S. 27-43
Witkowska, Janina
2021The Economic Efficiency of Traditional and Islamic Banking (a Comparative Analysis of the Turkish, Azerbaijani, and Iranian Banking Sectors)
In: Band: 24, 2021, Heft: 1, S. 141-157
Gulaliyev, Mayis G.; Rahimov, Elmar N.; Kashiyeva, Flora Sh.; Huseynova, Alida T.; Alijanova, Shahla M.; Hakimova, Yegana A.
2021Priorities for Greening and the Sustainable Development of OECD Member Countries and Ukraine: a Comparative Analysis
In: Band: 24, 2021, Heft: 1, S. 45-63
Dovgal, Olena; Goncharenko, Nataliia; Reshetnyak, Olena; Dovgal, Georgiy; Danko, Natalia
2021The Competitive Position of the Economy of Poland (against the Backdrop of the Visegrad Group Countries and the Baltic States) - Changes and Determinants in the Post-accession Period
In: Band: 24, 2021, Heft: 1, S. 85-102
Molendowski, Edward
2021The Development of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Context of Overcoming a Welfare State Crisis: a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
In: Band: 24, 2021, Heft: 1, S. 123-140
Grazhevska, Nadiia; Mostepaniuk, Alla
2021Dependencies between Variables from the Area of the Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the European Union Countries
In: Band: 24, 2021, Heft: 1, S. 7-25
Stawska, Joanna