Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES), SpringerOpen

ISSN: 2235-6282

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 297
2016The Sources and Magnitudes of Switzerland’s Gains from TradeHepenstrick, Christian
2016On the Regressivity of Gambling Taxes in SwitzerlandKohler, Dimitri
2016Reallocation of Capital and Labor within FirmsMueller, Holger
2016Relationship Banking in the Residential Mortgage Market? Evidence from SwitzerlandBrown, Martin; Hoffmann, Matthias
2016Measuring the Invisible: An Overview of and Outlook for Tax Non-Compliance Estimates and Measurement Methods for SwitzerlandSchmutz, Felix
2016A Simple Method for Predicting Distributions by Means of Covariates with Examples from Poverty and Health EconomicsDai, Jing; Sperlich, Stefan; Zucchini, Walter
2016Rational Pension PoliciesBörsch-Supan, Axel
2016Obesity and Health-Care Costs in Switzerland: Dealing with Endogeneity in Non-Linear Regression ModelsMeyer, Stefan
2015Determinants of the Swiss Franc Real Exchange RateNatal, Jean-Marc; Griffoli, Tommaso Mancini; Meyer, Christoph; Zanetti, Attilio
2015A Cautionary Note on the Put-Call Parity under an Asset Pricing Model with a Lower Reflecting BarrierHertrich, Markus
2015Linking Europe: The Role of the Swiss Electricity Transmission Grid until 2050Schlecht, Ingmar; Weigt, Hannes
2015The Characteristics of FDI Activities Located in Different Host Regions – A Study Based on Firm-Level DataArvanitis, Spyros; Hollenstein, Heinz; Stucki, Tobias
2015How do Individual Sectors Respond to Macroeconomic Shocks? A Structural Dynamic Factor Approach Applied to Swiss DataBäurle, Gregor; Steiner, Elizabeth
2015Capital Flow Waves to and from Switzerland before and after the Financial CrisisYeşin, Pınar
2015The Exposure of Mortgage Borrowers to Interest Rate Risk and House Price Risk – Evidence from Swiss Loan Application DataBrown, Martin; Guin, Benjamin Suman
2015Effects of a Higher Replacement Rate on Unemployment Durations, Employment, and EarningsEugster, Beatrix
2014Obtaining and Predicting the Bounds of Realized CorrelationsGrossmass, Lidan
2014Environmental Tax Reforms in Switzerland: A Computable General Equilibrium Impact AnalysisBöhringer, Christoph; Müller, André
2014Can Green Power Save Us from Climate Change?Taylor, M. Scott
2014What News Drive Variation in Swiss and US Bond and Stock Excess Returns?Nitschka, Thomas
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 101 bis 120 von 297