Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES), SpringerOpen

ISSN: 2235-6282

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 297
2018Methods to identify linear network models: A reviewAdvani, Arun; Malde, Bansi
2018Term structure dynamics at low and negative interest rates: Evidence from SwitzerlandGrisse, Christian; Schumacher, Silvio
2017Time-Varying and Regional Dynamics in Swiss Housing MarketsDrechsel, Dirk; Funk, Anne Kathrin
2017Econometric Analysis of Ratings — with an Application to Health and WellbeingStuder, Raphael; Winkelmann, Rainer
2017Partisan Campaigning and Initiative Petition Signing in Direct DemocraciesHofer, Katharina E.
2017Capital Flows and the Swiss FrancYeşin, Pınar
2017The Relationship between Inequality and Growth: Evidence from New DataNaguib, Costanza
2017How do Overnight Stays React to Exchange Rate Changes?Stettler, Christian
2017Is Governance Related to Investment Performance and Asset Allocation? Empirical Evidence from Swiss Pension FundsAmmann, Manuel; Ehmann, Christian
2017Allocation of Expenditures in Elderly Households and the Cost of WidowhoodBurkhard, Daniel
2017Immigration and Swiss House PricesDegen, Kathrin; Fischer, Andreas M.
2017Tax Reform in an Era of Budget Stress, Inequality, and International MobilityAuerbach, Alan J.
2017Emerging Lessons from Half a Century of Fiscal Federalism in SwitzerlandSchmidheiny, Kurt
2017Heterogeneity in Income Tax Capitalization: Evidence from the Swiss Housing MarketMorger, Mario
2017Impacts of Global Warming on Energy Use for Heating and Cooling with Full Rebound Effects in SwitzerlandGonseth, Camille; Thalmann, Philippe; Vielle, Marc
2017How Reliable are Cointegration-Based Estimates for Wealth Effects on Consumption? Evidence from SwitzerlandGalli, Alain
2016The Social Marginal Cost Curve and a Corner Solution of the Second-Best Level of Public Good Provision: A Review and an ExtensionChang, Ming Chung; Peng, Hsiao-Ping; Ho, Yan-Ching
2016Pension System Solvency — From Linguistics to EconomicsKotlikoff, Laurence J.
2016Macroprudential Policy and Credit SupplyPeydró, José-Luis
2016Capital Markets Union in Europe: Why Other Unions Must Lead the WayAcharya, Viral V.; Steffen, Sascha
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 81 bis 100 von 297