Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES), SpringerOpen

ISSN: 2235-6282

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 297
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2011Should Marginal Cost of Public Funds include the Revenue Effect?Chang, Ming Chung; Wu, Shufen
2011International Price Differences in Ski Lift TicketsFalk, Martin
2011The Similar Faces of Swiss Working Poor - An Empirical Analysis across Swiss Regions using Logistic Regression and Classification TreesLosa, Fabio; Soldini, Emiliano
2011Aging and the Financing of Social Security in SwitzerlandKeuschnigg, Christian; Keuschnigg, Mirela; Jaag, Christian
2011Zusammenwirken von Politik und WirtschaftVilliger, Kaspar
2011The Real-Time Predictive Content of the KOF Economic BarometerSiliverstovs, Boriss
2011An Analysis of Technical Efficiency and Efficiency Factors for Austrian and Swiss Non-Profit TheatresZieba, Marta
2011Variety Gains from Trade in SwitzerlandMohler, Lukas
2011Improving Prevention Compliance through Appropriate Incentives: Theoretical Modelling and Empirical EvidenceSchneider, Udo; Zerth, Jürgen
2010Free Migration between the EU and Switzerland: Impacts on the Swiss Economy and Implications for Monetary PolicyStalder, Peter
2010Productivity and Economic Growth in Switzerland 1991-2006Rudolf, Barbara; Zurlinden, Mathias
2010Discussion of "Indeterminacy, Causality, and the Foundations of Monetary Policy Analysis" by Bennett T. McCallumAssenmacher-Wesche, Katrin
2010International Policy Coordination and Simple Monetary Policy RulesBerger, Wolfram
2010Concluding Comments: The SNB's Monetary Policy Framework Ten Years OnKohli, Ulrich
2010Discussion of "Reaction of Swiss Term Premia to Monetary Policy Surprises" by Paul SöderlindLenz, Carlos
2010Perspectives on Monetary Policy in SwitzerlandWyplosz, Charles
2010Discussion of "The Role of Monetary Aggregates in the Policy Analysis of the Swiss National Bank" by Gebhard Kirchgässner and Jürgen WoltersReynard, Samuel
2010Discussion of "Ten Years Experience with the Swiss National Bank Monetary Policy Strategy" by T. Jordan, M. Peytringnet and E. RossiRich, Georg
2010Skilled Migration and Economic Performances: Evidence from OECD CountriesOrefice, Gianluca
2010Unemployment and Monetary Policy in SwitzerlandKugler, Peter; Sheldon, George
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 297