China Journal of Accounting Research. The journal of the Sun Yat-sen University, Elsevier

ISSN: 1755-3091

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 208
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Job satisfaction and firm leverage: Evidence from the "China's Best Employer Award 100" winnersXu, Hongmei; Ni, Xiaoran; Li, Chuntao; Liu, Yanan
2020Can information confusion caused by the financing model of new economy companies be eliminated?Xie, Xuejing; Zhang, Weiguo
2020Independent technical directors and their effect on corporate innovation in ChinaLi, Zhe; Li, Xingyi; Xie, Anning
2020State-owned enterprises in China: A review of 40years of research and practiceLin, Karen Jingrong; Lu, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Junsheng; Zheng, Ying
2020How audit effort affects audit quality: An audit process and audit output perspectiveXiao, Tusheng; Geng, Chunxiao; Yuan, Chun
2020Economic policy uncertainty and executive turnoverHuang, Hong; Liu, Haiyu; Yang, Baohua
2020Of stars and galaxies: Co-authorship network and researchHu, Xiaoli; Li, Oliver Zhen; Pei, Sha
2020The impact of the Social Security Fund on auditor litigation riskZhu, Lei; Zheng, Qianwen
2020Official rotation and corporate innovation: Evidence from the governor rotationShi, Xiangyan; Danlu, Bu; Zhang, Chenyu
2020Does overcapacity prompt controlling shareholders to play a propping role for listed companies?Li, Cailing; Lin, Dongjie
2020Multiple large shareholders and corporate environmental protection investment: Evidence from the Chinese listed companiesWei, Feng; Zhou, Lei
2020Economic sharing of honors: Equal or exclusive?Deng, Bofu; Liu, Jiawei; Ji, Li
2020Executive compensation and conflict between shareholders and creditors: Evidence from creditor litigationLi, Xiao; Wang, Yanchao; You, Hong
2020Board faultlines and the value of cash holdings: Evidence from Chinese listed companiesXu, Canyu; Hu, Zhiying; Liang, Shangkun
2020Family involvement, family member composition and firm innovationTan, Qingmei; Liu, Zixuan; Geng, Peixuan
2020Tracing back to the source: Understanding the corporate governance of boards of directors in Chinese SOEsLu, Zhengfei; Zhu, Jigao
2019Enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of social enterprises in Hong Kong: A three-dimensional analysisLeung, Sidney; Mo, Phyllis; Ling, Howard; Chandra, Yanto; Ho, So Sum
2019Unconditional conservatism under the Chinese version of IFRSBarhamzaid, Zuhair A. A.
2019IFRS adoption in China and foreign institutional investmentsDeFond, Mark L.; Gao, Xinzi; Li, Oliver Zhen; Xia, Lijun
2019Do significant risk warnings in annual reports increase corporate bond credit spreads? Evidence from ChinaGao, Xi; Xiongyuan, Wang; Tian, Furong
Publikationen (sortiert nach Title in Descendinger Richtung): 21 bis 40 von 208