China Journal of Accounting Research. The journal of the Sun Yat-sen University, Elsevier

ISSN: 1755-3091

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 208
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014IPO initial returns in China: Underpricing or overvaluation?Song, Shunlin; Tan, JinSong; Yi, Yang
2014Firm-specific information, analysts' superiority and investment valueLi, Lu; Yang, Erjia; Xiao, Tusheng
2013Propping by controlling shareholders, wealth transfer and firm performance: Evidence from Chinese listed companiesYing, Qianwei; Wang, Liang
2013Ownership balance, supervisory efficiency of independent directors and the quality of management earnings forecastsSong, Yunling; Ji, Xinwei; Lee, Chi-Wen Jevons
2013Determinants and features of voluntary disclosure in the Chinese stock marketLan, Yang; Wang, Lili; Zhang, Xueyong
2013Determinants of human resource investment in internal controlsChoi, Jong-Hag; Lee, Joonil; Sonu, Catherine Heyjung
2013Chairman's government background, excess employment and government subsidies: Evidence from Chinese local state-owned enterprisesXiongyuan, Wang; Shan, Wang
2013Large shareholders and accounting researchHope, Ole-Kristian
2013Corporate governance and firm value: Evidence from Chinese state-controlled listed firmsLeung, Noel W.; Cheng, Mei-Ai
2013A survey of executive compensation contracts in China's listed companiesLi, Yubo; Lou, Fang; Wang, Jiwei; Yuan, Hongqi
2013A fundamentalist perspective on accounting and implications for accounting researchJiang, Guohua; Penman, Stephen H.
2013State ownership and firm performance: Empirical evidence from Chinese listed companiesYu, Mei
2013Audit pricing and nature of controlling shareholders: Evidence from FranceBen Ali, Chiraz; Lesage, Cédric
2013Information asymmetry, mutual funds and earnings management: Evidence from ChinaDai, Yunhao; Kong, Dongmin; Wang, Li
2013Accrual components and stock trading costsLei, Qianhua
2013The effect of fair disclosure regulation on timeliness and informativeness of earnings announcementsPark, Yeonhee; Song, Inman; Yang, Dong-Hoon; Hossain, Mahmud; Koo, Jeong-Ho
2013IAS/IFRS and financial reporting quality: Lessons from the European experiencePalea, Vera
2013An essay on conceptualization of issues in empirical accounting researchSrinidhi, Bin N.
2012Corporate governance and audit fees: Evidence from companies listed on the Shanghai Stock ExchangeWu, Xingze
2012Product market competition, ultimate controlling structure and related party transactionsChen, Shenglan; Wang, Kun; Li, Xiaoxue
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 208