22nd ITS Biennial Conference, Seoul 2018

ISSN: n.a.

This collection contains papers of the

22nd ITS Biennial Conference, Seoul 2018
Seoul, Korea, 24th - 27th June 2018

“Beyond the boundaries: Challenges for business, policy and society”

Information and communication technologies are radically transforming products, industries, and ultimately, the lives of people. Mechanical devices that were once confined to their physical entities have now become “smart, connected products” where each product is interconnected to a complex network of hardware, software, cloud storage, and microprocessors. The proliferation of such products is made possible through the development of ubiquitous connectivity, compact mobile devices, and creative application contents.The development of smart, connected products creates a new paradigm where traditional businesses are redefined, new industries are created, and means of creating value are modified. In order to satisfy the fragmented needs of media consumers, boundaries among industries are blurred and the clear distinction between online and offline services has faded away. For instance, mobile instant messaging service providers are extending their business models to deliver end-to-end services on the mobile platform.Persistent efforts in developing the Internet of Things (IoT) also contribute to this radical shift in the ICT environment. With numerous sensors connected to autonomous products, IoT is capable of collecting big data and creating new opportunities for a smart society and smart life.As much as new innovations provide creative opportunities, it also accompanies risks and challenges. For example, transparency issues on user’s personal data need to be addressed and solved. Firms are also challenged to survive in the competitive market through various methods such as global expansion or strategic alliances with firms in inter-or intra-industries. Government regulations are thus critical in creating a healthy ICT environment. As smart connected products continuously emerge and influence the ICT environment, policies that are appropriate to the ICT industry will need to be created and enforced. Through effective carrot-and-stick strategies, it is hoped that the ICT industry will increase its sustainability, while contributing to the local and global societies.The development of smart connected products blurs traditional boundaries and creates a new ICT environment of risks and opportunities. The 2018 ITS Biennial Conference seeks to understand how business firms, governments, and societies can respond and contribute to the healthy development of the ICT ecosystem. We therefore propose six plenary and parallel session tracks as follows.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 94
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2018A country comparative study of spectrum re-farming: Implication for ThailandSrinuan, Chalita; Bohlin, Erik
2018Where do you sell your products online? A seller perspective on online shopping platformsLee, Saerom; Ryu, Min Ho; Lee, Sang Yup; Kwak, Dong-Heon
2018Bibliometric analysis on the evolution of knowledge structure of consumer behavior analysis in Telecommunications PolicyOh, Jeesun; Kim, Jeeeun
2018To Knee or not to knee: An examination of Twitter visual content during the 2017 NFL national anthem protests in the United StatesDavidson, Brenna; Lin, Trisha T. C.
2018The Nature and Magnitude of the Effects of Asymmetric Regulation of Mobile Termination Rates on the Mexican Retail PricesRobles-Rovalo, Arturo; Díaz-Goti, Emiliano; Guarneros-Gutiérrez, Rodrigo
2018Government Roles and Limitations in ICT Policy: A Case Study of Korean Telecommunication Rate PolicySung, WookJoon
2018An empirical study on the economic effect of the Internet freedomLee, Junwon; Jeon, Chang-Young; Ji, Sung Wook
2018The Internet of Platforms and Two-Sided Markets: Implications for Competition and ConsumersFrieden, Rob
2018The provision on Web accessibility and VOD access services for people with disabilities: A case study of South KoreaChoi, Heakeng Vivian
2018The Economics of Production Safety for Customized Product Using 3-D Printer based on Three-Dimensional Printing Industry Promotion ActYoona, Sunho; Hongb, Ahreum; Hwanga, Junseok
2018Prospects for Gigabit Broadband: Examining whether Google's fiber strategy portends a new round of investment and competition in local access networksReed, David P.
2018A Study of Startups in Hong KongLee, Paul S. N.
2018Does the choice of auction format affect prices in spectrum auctions?Ihle, Hans-Martin; Marsden, Richard; Traber, Peter
2018Factors affecting streamers' loyalty to live streaming platformsKoo, Hyunmo
2018On Commercial Preferences of TV Audiences: Payment for Avoidance, Type of Commercial, and Content VolumeShishikura, Manabu; Kasuga, Norihiro; Nakamura, Akihiro
2018How does the competitive intensity affect the firm's product strategies?Lee, Kyungyul; Kwon, Youngsun
2018Internet of Things: Exploring households' intention to use smart home technologyNikou, Shahrokh
2018"Geo-Political Economy" and Ecosystem in Asian I&CT MarketsKawamata, Takahiro
2018Internet Intermediary Liability under the Internet Governance: Taiwan's Legislative ActionYeh, Chih-Liang; May, Cheryl Toh Shuet
2018How to be acquired by Google?: Analysis of target firms acquired by Google Inc.Yeon, Soojung
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 94
Also listed in RePEc / EconPapers