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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2018Low interest rate environment amplifies negative effects of austerity policyKlein, Mathias
2022Electricity supply in Germany can be secured without Russian supplies and nuclear energy: The 2030 coal-phase out remains possibleHauenstein, Christian; Hainsch, Karlo; Herpich, Philipp; von Hirschhausen, Christian R.; Holz, Franziska; Kemfert, Claudia; Kendziorski, Mario; Oei, Pao-Yu; Rieve, Catharina
2020ECB and Fed monetary policy measures against the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic have little effectBernoth, Kerstin; Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine; Gibert, Anna
2020Housing policies worldwide during coronavirus crisis: Challenges and solutionsKholodilin, Konstantin A.
2020US and EU secure vaccine production on home soilMalek, Jan; Newham, Melissa; Seldeslachts, Jo; Wieting, Marcel
2020A green new deal after Corona: What we can learn from the financial crisisKröger, Mats; Xi, Sun; Chiappinelli, Olga; Clemens, Marius; May, Nils; Neuhoff, Karsten; Richstein, Jörn
2022Energy supply security in Germany can be guaranteed even without natural gas from Russia: Special issue on the war in UkraineHolz, Franziska; Sogalla, Robin; von Hirschhausen, Christian R.; Kemfert, Claudia
2020No need for new natural gas pipelines and LNG terminals in EuropeHolz, Franziska; Kemfert, Claudia
2023Accelerate thermal modernization of buildings with minimum standards for buildings and binding retrofitting targetsBehr, Sophie M.; Kucuk, Merve; Neuhoff, Karsten
2023Mixed mid-term review for German traffic light coalition in the energy transition: Significant effort needed to achieve targetsSchill, Wolf-Peter; Roth, Alexander; Guéret, Adeline; Schmidt, Felix
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