Discussion Papers, Research Department, Statistics Norway

ISSN: 0809-733X

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 801 bis 820 von 1009
1998Price Indexes for Elementary Aggregates Derived from Behavioral AssumptionsDagsvik, John K.; Brubakk, Leif
1998Uncertainty and International Negotiations on Tradable Quota TreatiesSøberg, Morten
1997Fiscal and Spending Behavior of Local Governments: An Empirical Analysis Based on Norwegian DataAaberge, Rolf; Langørgen, Audun
1997Air Pollution and Sick-leaves - is there a Connection? A Case Study using Air Pollution Data from OsloHansen, Anett C.; Selte, Harald K.
1997Soil Depletion Choices under Production and Price UncertaintyGrepperud, Sverre
1997Structural Adjustment and Soil Degration in Tanzania: A CGE-model Approach with Endogenous Soil ProductivityAune, Jens; Glomsrød, Solveig; Iversen, Vegard; Wiig, Henrik
1997Empirical Patterns of Firm Growth and R&D Investment: A Quality Ladder Model InterpretationKlette, Tor Jakob; Griliches, Zvi
1997The Norwegian Tax Reform; Distributional Effects and the High-income ResponseAarbu, Karl Ove; Thoresen, Thor Olav
1997Aggregate Productivity Effects of Technology Shocks in a Model of Heterogeneous Firms: The Importance of Equilibrium AdjustmentsHolmøy, Erling; Hægeland, Torbjørn
1997Has Growth in Supply of Educated Persons Been Important for the Composition of Employment?Stølen, Nils Martin; Åvitsland, Turid
1997Modeling and Estimation Methods for Household Size in the Presence of Nonresponse Applied to The Norwegian Consumer Expenditure SurveyBelsby, Liv; Bjørnstad, Jan F.
1997Estimating Core Inflation - The Role of Oil Price Shocks and Imported InflationBjørnland, Hilde Christiane
1997Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Democratic IdealNyborg, Karine; Spangen, Inger
1997Do Higher Wages Reflect Higher Productivity? Education, Gender and Experience Premiums in a Matched Plant-Worker Data SetHægeland, Torbjørn; Klette, Tor Jakob
1997Estimation of Time Series of Latent Variables in an Accounting System Petrol Consumption of Norwegian Households 1973-1995Aasness, Jørgen; Belsby, Liv
1997Unemployment Shocks and Income Distribution How Did the Nordic Countries Fare During their Crises?Aaberge, Rolf; Björklund, Anders; Jäntti, Markus; Pedersen, Peder J.; Smith, Nina; Wennemo, Tom
1997Non-Tariff Barriers - the Achilles' Heel of Trade Policy AnalysesFæhn, Taran
1997Primary Schooling in Zambia Squeezed at Community and Household LevelBelsby, Liv; Wold, Bjørn K.
1997Incomes Policies and the Norwegian Economy 1973-93Bowitz, Einar; Cappelen, Ådne
1997Panel Data with Errors-in-Variables: A Note on Essential and Redundant Orthogonality Conditions in GMM-estimationBiørn, Erik; Klette, Tor Jakob
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 801 bis 820 von 1009