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IUBH Discussion Papers - Gesundheit & Soziales No. 1/2018
IUBH Internationale Hochschule, Bad Honnef
1. Das Präventionsgesetz stellt einen ersten wichtigen Schritt in der Verbesserung der Gesundheitspotenziale und Gesundheitskompetenzen von Betrieben dar. 2. Der Status quo im ver – rückten BGM-Markt zeigt, dass es große Lücken in der Umsetzung eines ganzheitlichen und systemischen BGM gibt – weitere regelmäßige und bundesweite BGM Surveys und Standortbestimmungen sind notwendig, um einen realistischen Einblick in die tatsächliche BGM-Praxis in Deutschland zu erhalten. 3. (Digitale) Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung ist kein (digitales) Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, greift noch zu kurz und legt den Fokus zu stark auf die individuellen Verhaltensweisen und die persönliche Verantwortung des Arbeitnehmers.
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
It is finally here - the law of prevention. After years of back and forth since the beginning of 2016 the pillars of prevention and health promotion have been anchored in the law, so that in the future a large part of the population can be better reached with preventive measurements and health promoting structures. The objective to prevent chronic lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, respiratory diseases and cancer but also newer "common diseases" like overweight, obesity, musculoskeletal and psychosocial disorders such as stress-induced depression (better known as burn out syndrome) and also the prevention and the strengthening of the health competence and self-efficacy of the population can therefore be accommodated through the financial aid of the statutory health insurance agencies. A first step in the right direction. After a long-lasting struggle, a lot of experts are talking about an invaluable change of paradigm in our health care system. The focus on a purely pathogenic health education and health care conducted with risks and admonishing forefingers is finally coming to an end. The concept of salutogenesis according to Antonovsky is the base for future prevention and health promotion. In this concept the main focus is on the (opposing) resources, meaning the preservation of health for individual people as well as groups of people in their environment. In this context an important environment or also-called "setting" is the corporation. Coporate settings offer a scope of action for procedures of corporate prevention and corporate health promotion (BGF). These measures can, with the aid of the statutory health insurance agencies and the corporations themselves, be embedded into a holistic corporate health management (BGM). The following discussion paper concerns itself in this context with the interrelation of the questions about to the status quo of corporate prevention and corporate health promotion in Germany as well as the devolvement of these onto the approach of a holistic interface management, meaning a corporate health management and how strong theory and practice deviate from each other. That is to say how did corporate prevention and corporate health promotion but also the so called BGM-market develop in the last couple of years? How heavily are corporations already implementing a holistic maybe even a systemic BGM? Or does a large part of the corporations still bide with the classical supply structure for BGF and prevention? What kind of advancements are necessary for the prevention law in the upcoming years? Which players have proved their value, which ones should be reviewed again? Are the previous funds enough to reach the health goals in society as a whole? What quality standards need to be compiled in medium and long term? What quality standards need to be implemented based on evidence? Who is responsible for the verification of effectiveness and gain and who developes actual designs to evaluate the effects within the limits of applied research? To complete this discussion paper, the question is being asked of the meaning of digital solutions and the perspective of a digital corporate health management, which is gaining more and more significance in the course of the digitalization of the work environment.
Law of Prevention
status analysis
health promotion
corporate health management
Persistent Identifier der Erstveröffentlichung: 
Working Paper


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