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Results 131-140 of 181.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Valuation of viticultural adaptation to climate change in vineyards: A discrete choice experiment to prioritize trade-offs perceived by citizensFarreras, Verónica; Abraham, Laura
2021Consumer preferences for certified wines in France: A comparison of sustainable labelsAlonso Ugaglia, Adeline; Niklas, Britta; Rinke, Wolfram; Moscovici, Dan; Gow, Jeff; Valenzuela, Lionel; Mihailescu, Radu
2019The age dynamics of vineyards: Past trends affecting the futureCarbone, Anna; Quici, Luisangela; Pica, Giovanni
2020A cross-cultural comparison of wine consumption and purchasing behaviour in Germany and HungarySzolnoki, Gergely; Totth, Gedeon
2021What's in organic wine consumer mind? A review on purchasing drivers of organic winesMaesano, Giulia; Di Vita, Giuseppe; Chinnici, Gaetano; Gioacchino, Pappalardo; D'Amico, Mario
2021Premium price for natural preservatives in wine: A discrete choice experimentChikumbi, Lydia; Ščasný, Milan; Muchapondwa, Edwin; Thiam, Djiby Racine
2020Competitive strategies for wine cooperatives in the German wine industryRichter, Barbara; Hanf, Jon
2019Winescape perception and big data analysis: An assessment through social media photographs in the Chianti Classico regionSottini, Veronica Alampi; Barbierato, Elena; Bernetti, Iacopo; Capecchi, Irene; Fabbrizzi, Sara; Menghini, Silvio
2019Assessing environments of commercialization of innovation for SMEs in the global wine industry: A market dynamics approachMenna, Agostino; Walsh, Philip R.
2019The European wine export cycleCorreia, Leónida; Gouveia, Sofia; Martins, Patrícia