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FAU Discussion Papers in Economics No. 02/2019
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institute for Economics, Nürnberg
In this paper I evaluate a labor market reform in Germany. In particular, I analyze whether the introduction of the general minimum wage in 2015 had an effect on self-rated health and labor market outcomes of individuals who were likely affected by the reform. I exploit the plausibly exogenous variation in hourly wages induced by the natural policy experiment and apply difference-in-difference analysis combined with propensity score matching. I use survey-data combined with administrative records which enables me to control for a vast set of possibly confounding variables. I find on average significant improvements of self-rated health for individuals who are affected by the reform. My analysis indicates, that reduced stress, due to a significant reduction of weekly working hours potentially drives this result.
minimum wage
self-rated health
natural experiment
Document Type: 
Working Paper

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