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Results 61-70 of 107.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016Policies and institutions for assuring pro-poor rural development and food security through bioenergy production: case studies on bush-to-energy and Jatropha in NamibiaBrüntrup, Michael; Becker, Katharina; Prothmann, Jan; Ostermann, Silja; Gaebler, Martina; Herrmann , Raoul
2012Efficiency of local service provision in Zambia’s health, education and road sectors: implications for decentralisation and the effectiveness of budget supportLeiderer, Stefan; Geigenmüller, Maximilian; Hornig, Anja; Kästle, Kathrin; Smith, Christopher; Tröger, Franziska Tröger
2004Crisis potentials and crisis prevention in Central Asia. Entry points for German development cooperationGrävingholt, Jörn
2014Providing international adaptation finance for vulnerable communities: a study on potentials and limits of social investment fundsHorstmann, Britta; Schulz-Heiss, Günther
2006Transboundary water management in Africa: challenges for development cooperationScheumann, Waltina; Neubert , Susanne
2008The implementation of the Paris Declaration on aid effectiveness by the United Nations: progress to date and need for further reformsVatterodt, Martina
2006Budget support in the EC's development cooperationSchmidt, Petra
2008Donor contributions to the strengthening of the African peace and security architectureKlingebiel, Stephan; Blohm, Tina Marie; Eckle, Rosa; Grunow, Katja; Heidenreich, Franziska; Mashele, Prince; Thermann, Andreas
2016Deep preferential trade agreements and upgrading in global value chains: the case of VietnamBerger, Axel; Bruhn, Dominique; Bender, Andrea; Friesen, Julia; Kick, Katharina; Kullmann, Felix; Roßner, Robert; Weyrauch, Svenja
2008Municipal borrowing for infrastructure service delivery in South Africa - a critical reviewLiebig, Klaus; Bahrinipour, Mandana; Fuesers, Laura; Knödler, Benjamin; Schönhofen, Christian; Stein, Mareike