KDI Focus, Korea Development Institute (KDI)

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 89
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024South Korea needs more big company jobsKoh, Young-sun
2024Korea's National Pension: Structural reform measuresLee, Kang Koo; Shin, Seung-Ryong
2024Women's career interruptions and the declining fertility rate in South KoreaCho, Duksang; Han, Jungmin
2024Impact of policy incentives on adoption of electric vehicles in South KoreaKim, Hyunseok
2024Galapagos Syndrome in South Korea's Real Estate PF, and the need for fundamental structural reformHwang, Sunjoo
2024Competition policy for online platforms' self-preferencing conductsKim, Min Jung
2024Protecting customer funds for emerging financial productsHwang, Sunjoo
2024Restoring labor market functions to address job insecurity among middle-aged and older workersHan, Joseph
2024Path to National Champions: Transforming Support Policies for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)Kim, Minho
2023Approaches to enhance the market functionality of the K-ETSYoon, Yeochang
2023Restructuring higher education: Toward a student-led modelKoh, Young-sun
2023Assessing old-age poverty with income and assets: Generational insights and policy directionsLee, Seunghee
2023Restructuring platform merger reviewCho, Sung Ick
2023Addressing the prolonged ension gapKim, Dohun
2023Designing social protections for platform workersHan, Joseph
2023Reshoring: A study on firm characteristics and influencing factorsChung, Sunghoon
2023OECD average annual hours worked: Comparative analysis and implicationsKim, MinSub
2023Strategies for refining the Jeonse deposit return guarantee systemMoon, Yoon Sang
2022Building a new safety net for sick workersKwo, Junghyun
2022Public deliberation in Korean society: Where it stands and should head towardHwang, Soo Kyeong
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 89
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