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Center for Mathematical Economics Working Papers No. 607
Bielefeld University, Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW), Bielefeld
This paper studies the superhedging prices and the associated superhedging strategies for European and American options in a non-linear incomplete market with default. We present the seller's and the buyer's point of view. The underlying market model consists of a risk-free asset and a risky asset driven by a Brownian motion and a compensated default martingale. The portfolio process follows non-linear dynamics with a non-linear driver ƒ. By using a dynamic programming approach, we first provide a dual formulation of the seller's (superhedging) price for the European option as the supremum over a suitable set of equivalent probability measures Q ϵ Q of the ƒ-evaluation/expectation under Q of the payoff. We also provide an infinitesimal characterization of this price as the minimal supersolution of a constrained BSDE with default. By a form of symmetry, we derive corresponding results for the buyer. We also give a dual representation of the seller's (superhedging) price for the American option associated with an irregular payoff (ϵt) (not necessarily càdlàg) in terms of the value of a non-linear mixed control/stopping problem. We also provide an infinitesimal characterization of this price in terms of a constrained reflected BSDE. When ϵ is càdlàg, we show a duality result for the buyer's price. These results rely on first establishing a non-linear optional decomposition for processes which are ϵf -strong supermartingales under Q, for all Q ϵ Q.
European options
American options
incomplete markets
non-linear pricing
BSDEs with constraints
constrained reflected BSDEs
control problems with non-linear expectation
optimal stopping with non-linear expectation
non-linear optional decomposition
pricing-hedging duality
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Working Paper


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