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Results 41-50 of 190.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2019Cheat to win: How to hack tournament theoryArend, Richard J.
2019A study of the moderating influence of R&D intensity on the family management-firm performance relationship: Evidence from Spanish private manufacturing firmsDiéguez-Soto, J.; Manzaneque, M.; González-García, V.; Galache, Teodoro
2015Consumer identification with store brands: Differences between consumers according to their brand loyaltyRubio Benito, Natalia; Villaseñor, Nieves; Oubiña, Javier
2019Formal institutions and opportunity entrepreneurship: The contingent role of informal institutionsFuentelsaz, Lucio; González, Consuelo; Maicas, Juan Pablo
2016Relationship between corporate social responsibility and competitive performance in Spanish SMEs: Empirical evidence from a stakeholders' perspectiveHerrera Madueño, Jesús; Larrán Jorge, Manuel; Martínez Conesa, Isabel; Martínez-Martínez, Domingo
2016The influence of gender on entrepreneurial intention: The mediating role of perceptual factorsCamelo-Ordaz, Carmen; Diánez-González, Juan Pablo; Ruiz-Navarro, José
2019Rigor and relevance in empirical TM research: Key issues and challengesThunnissen, Marian; Gallardo-Gallardo, Eva
2018Examining the intermediate role of employee abilities, motivation and opportunities to participate in the relationship between HR bundles and employee performanceBeltrán-Martín, Inmaculada; Bou Llusar, Juan Carlos
2015Taking stock, looking aheadVázquez, Xosé H.
2020The internal mechanisms of entrepreneurs' social capital: A multi-network analysisHernández-Carrión, Carlos; Camarero Izquierdo, Carmen; Gutiérrez Cillán, Jesús