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Results 21-30 of 190.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014Influence of management style on employee views of corporate reputation. Application to audit firmsOlmedo-Cifuentes, Isabel; Martínez-León, Inocencia M.
2015The ethical commitment of independent directors in different contexts of investor protectionGarcía-Sanchez, Isabel María; Frías Aceituno, José Valeriano; Rodríguez Domínguez, Luis
2015Politically connected firms in SpainGuerra Pérez, Silvia; Bona Sánchez, Carolina; Santana Martín, Domingo Javier
2019Exploring the influence of the human factor on customer satisfaction in call centresChicu, Dorina; del Mar Pàmies, Maria; Ryan, Gerard; Cross, Christine
2015Proposal of a social alliance success model from a relationship marketing perspective: A meta-analytical study of the theoretical foundationsBarroso-Méndez, María Jesús; Galera Casquet, Clementina; Valero-Amaro, Victor
2021The mask of the red death: Leadership, hubris, and the Covid-19 crisisVillanueva, Jaume; Sapienza, Harry J.
2020Learning from foreign operation modes: The virtuous path for innovationVillar, Cristina; Pla-Barber, José; Ghauri, Pervez N.
2018Measuring the performance of local administrative public servicesBlank, Jos L. T. *ca. Gegenwart*
2014HRM devolution to middle managers: Dimension identificationCascón-Pereira, Rosalía; Valverde, Mireia
2017From pioneering orientation to new product performance through competitive tactics in SMEsGarcía-Villaverde, Pedro M.; Parra-Requena, Gloria; Ruiz-Ortega, María J.