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Results 51-60 of 190.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021Low interest rates and executive risk-taking incentives: Evidence from the United StatesCastro, Paula; Tascon, Maria T.; Castaño, Francisco J.; Amor-Tapia, Borja
2014From dissatisfied customers to evangelists of the firm: A study of the Spanish mobile service sectorCambra Fierro, Jesús; Melero Polo, Iguácel; Melero Polo, Iguácel
2017Related-party transactions, dominant owners and firm valueBona-Sánchez, Carolina; Fernández-Senra, Carmen Lorena; Pérez-Alemán, Jerónimo
2019Are religion and culture relevant for corporate risk-taking? International evidenceDíez-Esteban, José María; Farinha, Jorge Bento; García-Gómez, Conrado Diego
2020Market valuation and acquiring firm performance in the short and long term: Out-of-sample evidence from SpainFarinós Viñas, José Emilio; Herrero, Begoña; Latorr, Miguel A.
2014Human resource management in Lean Production adoption and implementation processes: Success factors in the aeronautics industryMartínez-Jurado, Pedro José; Moyano-Fuentes, José; Jerez-Gómez, Pilar
2020A nonparametric analysis of competitiveness efficiency: The relevance of firm size and the configuration of competitive pillarsLafuente, Esteban; Leiva, Juan Carlos; Moreno-Gómez, Jorge; Szerb, László
2017Absorptive routines and international patent performanceGarcía-Muiña, Fernando E.; González-Sánchez, Rocío
2016Social responsibility and financial performance: The role of good corporate governanceRodriguez-Fernandez, Mercedes
2015Born globals through knowledge-based dynamic capabilities and network market orientationMonferrer, Diego; Blesa, Andreu; Ripollés Meliá, María