PhD Series, Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

ISSN: 0906-6934

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 381 to 400 of 460
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2010Modstandens Politik: Kampagnestyring i Velfærdsstaten: En diskussion af trafikkampagners styringspotentialeSpeiermann, Sabrina
2010Brand Thrust: Strategic Branding and Shareholder Value: An Empirical Reconciliation of Two Critical ConceptsOhnemus, Lars
2010Performance Talk: Next Generation Management of Organizational PerformanceKane, Brian
2010Metaphysical labour: Flexibility, performance and commitment in work-life managementRaastrup Kristensen, Anders
2010Two Nations Divided by Common Values: French National Habitus and the Rejection of American PowerFich, Christian
2010Traveling Technologies: And Transformations in Health CareJuul Nielsen, Annegrete
2010Orchestrating Network Behavior for InnovationBusquets, Javier
2010Markets of Good Intentions: Constructing and Organizing Biogas Markets Amid Fragility and ControversyBuchhorn, Adam
2010Fødevarer og sundhed i senmodernismen: En indsigt i hyggefænomenet og de relaterede fødevarepraksisserBoye, Heidi
2010E-deltagelse i praksis: Politikernes og forvaltningens medkonstruktion og konsekvenserne herafSecher, Christine
2010Causes of Intercompany Harmony in Business Markets: An Empirical Investigation from a Dyad PerspectiveWeber, Oliver Jacob
2009Essays on market discipline in commercial and central bankingForssbæck, Jens
2009Information exchange and behavior: A multi-method inquiry on online communitiesKorfiatis, Nikolaos Theodoros
2009Position and repositioning in networks: Exemplified by the transformation of the Danish pine furniture manufacturersLutz, Salla
2009Employers meet employees: Essays on sorting and globalizationScheuer, Christian
2009The business of co-creation - and the co-creation of businessLotz, Maja
2009Supply chain (logistics) environmental complexityKinra, Aseem
2009Beyond the process: Enriching software process improvement with knowledge managementHansen Hansen, Bo
2009Enabling supply networks with collaborative information infrastructures: An empirical investigation of business model innovation in supplier relation-ship managementNøkkentved, Chris
2009Collaborative R&D capabilities: In search of micro-foundationsKnudsen, Line Gry
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 381 to 400 of 460