PhD Series, Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

ISSN: 0906-6934

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 421 to 440 of 460
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2008Aesthetic Design as an Element of Service Innovation in New Technology-based FirmsCandi, Marina
2008A Boolean Analysis Predicting Industry Change: Innovation, Imitation & Business Models: The Winning Hybrid - A case study of isomorphosm in the airline industryHvass, Kristian Anders
2008Foreign market entry in transition economies: Entry timing and mode choiceJakobsen, Kristian
2008Tid til kvalitetsmåling?: Studier af indrulleringsprocesser i forbindelse med introduktionen af kliniske kvalitetsdatabaser i speciallægepraksissektorenKousgaard, Marius Brostrøm
2008Essays on Private EquityVinten, Frederik Christian
2008The Motivational Foundations of Knowledge SharingReinholt, Mia
2008The Co-Evolution of Institutions and Technology: A Neo-Institutional Understanding of Change Processes within the Business Press - The Case Sudy of Financial TimesKrogh-Meibom, Frederikke
2008Functional upgrading, relational capability and export performance of vietnamese wood furniture producersHanh, Pham Thi Song
2008The Performative Power of Competence: An Inquiry into Subjective and Social Technology at WorkBojesen, Anders
2008Juntos pero no revueltos: Un estudio sobre emigrantes norteamericanos en un pueblo mexicanoBalslev Clausen, Helene
2008Syntactic reordering in statistical machine translationElming, Jakob
2008Kunsten at skrive revisionsrapporter: En beretning om forvaltningsrevisionens beretningerJustesen, Lise
2008Corporate Governance in Banking: A European StudyBusta, Ilduara
2008Rethinking the history of European level merger control: A critical political economy perspectiveBuch-Hansen, Hubert
2008Offshoring of advanced high-value technical services: Antecedents, processes dynamics and firm-level impactØrberg Jensen, Peter
2008Regional Computable General Equilibrium Models for Denmark: Three papers laying the foundation for regional CGE models with agglomeration characteristicsTermansen, Lars Brømsøe
2008Management consulting in action: Value creation and ambiguity in client-consultant relationsSmith, Irene Skovgaard
2008Management accounting and integrated information systems: How to exploit the potential for management accounting of information technologyRom, Anders
2008The politics of corporate responsibility: CSR and the governance of child labor and core labor rights in the 1990sNielsen, Michael E.
2008Teknologi og tværfaglighed: en analyse af diskussionen omkring indførelse af EPJ på en hospitalsafdelingSchnack, Morten
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 421 to 440 of 460