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PhD Series No. 37.2012
Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Frederiksberg
The dissertation ‘Interactive Approaches to Rural Development’ gives new theoretical and empirical knowledge in the collaboration on development of rural areas and landscapes. From a perspective about the development and the challenges faced, the study analyses which functions that are demanded by the rural areas. Furthermore, the study makes an analysis of the collaboration in an EU financed rural development association; the Local Action Group (LAG). The overall objective is to: Analyse and discuss approaches to rural development under Danish conditions. The dissertation is cantered around three papers introduced with a frame that contributes to the overall objective. With point of departure in the changes that have structured the Danish landscape, the first paper analyses and discusses how the Danish planning system can be optimized to plan for a multifunctional landscape. Paper two and three builds on the EU rural development policy LEADER that through local project based development supports new income opportunities for the local inhabitants. Collaboration on the rural development is a subject that requires an interdisciplinary analytical approach. The dissertation therefore builds on different theories and both qualitative and quantitative analytical methods. The theoretical foundation draws on generic network theory and various applications of this. This is conducted by inclusion of ideas from interorganisational interaction in an analysis of the collaboration between municipality and a locally anchored development association. In addition the theory of social capital is applied to analyse whether the partnership formation and collaboration has supported the development of the local area. Furthermore, the concept of multifunctionality is assessed as a principle to be applied in countryside planning and rural development. The empirical foundation of the dissertation draws on mixed method research approach with interviews and surveys that are studied through qualitative and quantitative data analyses. Two of the three papers take point of departure in a case study of LAG-Djursland. Based on the dissertation it is concluded, that a crucial factor in the development of rural areas and landscapes is the collaboration among relevant stakeholders– often arranged around a partnership. To secure a concrete and locally attuned development it is important to engage local anchored stakeholders. These stakeholders have the greatest knowledge about the local development opportunities and barriers. Though the dissertation builds on experiences from the Danish rural landscape, the analyses, discussions and conclusions will be relevant in an international perspective. The interactive approach and the analysis hereof will be applicable in other domains than that of rural development.
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Doctoral Thesis


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