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[Editor:] Kersten, Wolfgang [Editor:] Blecker, Thorsten [Editor:] Ringle, Christian M. [Editor:] 978-3-7375-4059-9 [Title:] Innovations and Strategies for Logistics and Supply Chains: Technologies, Business Models and Risk Management. Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Vol. 20 [Publisher:] epubli GmbH [Place:] Berlin [Year:] 2015 [Pages:] 451-477
epubli GmbH, Berlin
The purpose of this research was to study the relationship of severity levels of road and rail transportation activities and related issues and challenges in terms of their effect on delivery lead time of Indian apparel exports. The research was conducted in India and 157 managers handling ocean freight operations of apparel export shipments participated. It was found that lack of professionalism/skill levels of truck drivers and bad quality/condition of roads are the two most significant logistics challenges in road transportation that affect delivery lead of Indian apparel exports. The next significant issues and challenges explaining the severity level of road transportation were found as delay involved in interstate regulatory check points and inefficient /older technology inbuilt in trucks /trailers. Lack of planning and coordination in cargo rail services and lack of frequency of container rail services due to evacuation constraints were identified as two most significant logistics challenges in rail transportation that affect delivery lead of Indian apparel exports. The next significant issues and challenges explaining the severity level of rail transportation were found to as non availability of rakes/wagons and less number of dedicated tracks for container rail.
Apparel Exports
Delivery Lead Time
Road Transportation
Rail Transportation
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Conference Paper


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