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[Editor:] Blecker, Thorsten [Editor:] Kersten, Wolfgang [Editor:] Ringle, Christian M. [Title:] Operational Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chains: Optimization Methods, Data-driven Approaches and Security Insights. Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Vol. 22 [ISBN:] 978-3-7375-4058-2 [Publisher:] epubli GmbH [Place:] Berlin [Year:] 2015 [Pages:] 505-533
epubli GmbH, Berlin
Since the terrorist attacks in 2001 the security issue has become an important topic for the companies involved in international trade. It has been confirmed in numerous studies that the companies became more interested in conducting risk assessment or introducing supply chain security management. Although not all the companies are interested in enhancing security of their business, and often supply chain security is not their main concern, the security industry based on B2B services is growing. There are numerous new companies offering security related services such as monitoring of shipments, video monitoring, physical security, cyber security, consulting, and advisory. Also existing companies, especially in the area of logistics, consulting and physical security have started to offer supply chain security services. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the supply chain security industry, categorize the services offered by the companies and to determine the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing security related processes to other parties. The methodology involves analysis of business offers of companies representing the industry from several countries. The paper analyses also potential for future growth of the industry and its place in international supply chains.
Supply Chain Security
Security Industry
Private Security
Supply Chain Security Management
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Conference Paper


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