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2017Universal childcare and long-term effects on child well-being: Evidence from CanadaLebihan, Laetitia; Haeck, Catherine; Merrigan, Philip
2020Les inégalités provinciales aux tests internationaux-nationaux de littéracie: Québec, Ontario et autres provinces canadiennes 2000-2018Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip
2020Going back to school takes time: Evidence from a negative trade shockGaron, Jean-Denis; Haeck, Catherine; Bourassa-Viau, Simon
2019Social Mobility Trends in Canada: Going up the Great Gatsby CurveConnolly, Marie; Haeck, Catherine; Lapierre, David
2020Parental education and the rising transmission of income between generationsConnolly, Marie; Haeck, Catherine; Laliberté, Jean-William
2019Point de vue sur l’accessibilité aux données des administrations publiquesHaeck, Catherine; Connolly, Marie
2015Universal Childcare and Longer-Run Effects on Parental Health and Behaviors: Evidence from a Canadian Universal Child Care ProgramLebihan, Laetitia; Haeck, Catherine; Lefebvre, Pierre; Merrigan, Philip
2020Nonlinear class size effects on cognitive and noncognitive development of young childrenConnolly, Marie; Haeck, Catherine
2022Estimating consumer preferences for different beverages using the BLP approachHaeck, Catherine; Lawson, Nicholas; Poirier, Krystel
2016La contribution de l'école privée au Québec à la littératie et à la numératie des 15 ans : une analyse par effets de traitementLefebvre, Pierre