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PIDS Discussion Paper Series No. 2018-18
Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), Quezon City
In 2016, the National Economic and Development Authority launched the AmBisyon Natin 2040, which embodies the long-term aspirations of Filipinos for themselves and for the country. At the heart of these aspirations is the idea of social mobility or the movements of entities from lower socioeconomic status to higher socioeconomic outcomes. To some extent, these aspirations reflect a high degree of optimism given that the country has experienced economic growth since 2011. However, issues on poverty and inequality of opportunities remain and these can potentially derail the attainment of these aspirations. Given these, it is imperative to understand social mobility and its drivers. To this end, this paper provides the rationale behind the development of a research agenda on social mobility and reviews materials that can help in quantifying distributional changes and in identifying processes or mechanisms that affect mobility. It also identifies available datasets and existing studies in the Philippines that can be used to enrich the state of social mobility research in the country. Doing so will help policymakers figure out a system of programs or interventions needed to facilitate and sustain upward mobility and at the same time, address issues such as in-work poverty and inequality.
social mobility
research road map
Working Paper

800.16 kB

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