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Results 61-70 of 149.
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Benchmarking bulkers delivered between 2010 and 2016, identifying the effect of the EEDI introductionPruyn, Jeroen F.J.
2020Do political relations affect international trade? Evidence from China's twelve trading partnersWhitten, Gregory; Dai, Xiaoyi; Fan, Simon; Pang, Yu
2020Hedging ship price risk using freight derivatives in the drybulk marketAdland, Roar; Ameln, Haakon; Børnes, Eirik A.
2022The impact of maritime transport financing on total trade in South AfricaMatekenya, Weliswa; Ncwadi, R.
2020Holistic tactical-level planning in liner shipping: An exact optimization approachPasha, Junayed; Dulebenets, Maxim A.; Kavoosi, Masoud; Abioye, Olumide F.; Theophilus, Oluwatosin; Wang, Hui; Kampmann, Raphael; Guo, Weihong
2023Changes in external costs and infrastructure costs due to modal shift in freight transport in North-western EuropeJonkeren, Olaf; Friso, Klaas; Hek, Lourentz
2022Maritime fuels of the future: What is the impact of alternative fuels on the optimal economic speed of large container vesselsKouzelis, Konstantinos; Frouws, Koos; Van Hassel, Edwin
2021Toward a behavioral approach of international shipping: A study of the inter-organisational dynamics of maritime safetyFulconis, François; Lissillour, Raphael
2023Assessing the macroeconomic and social impacts of slow steaming in shipping: A literature review on small island developing states and least developed countriesVakili, Seyedvahid; Ballini, Fabio; Schönborn, Alessandro; Christodoulou, Anastasia; Dalaklis, Dimitrios; Ölçer, Aykut I.
2023Market access and seaport efficiency: The case of container handling in NorwayRødseth, Kenneth Løvold; Holmen, Rasmus Bøgh; Kuosmanen, Timo; Schøyen, Halvor