HWWA Discussion Papers, Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA)

ISSN: 1616-4814

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 141 bis 160 von 306
2003On the micro-structure of the German export boom: Evidence from establishment panel data, 1995 - 2002Wagner, Joachim
2003Handels- und Finanzarchitektur im Umbruch: Globale Integration und die institutionelle Arbeitsteilung von IWF, Weltbank und WTOHefeker, Carsten
2003How has the European Monetary Integration Process Contributed to Regional Financial Market Integration?Reszat, Beate
2003Aid, Governance, and Private Foreign Investment: Some Puzzling Findings and a Possible ExplanationHarms, Philipp; Lutz, Matthias
2003Money demand in a banking time economyGillman, Max; Otto, Glenn
2003Democracy and FDIBusse, Matthias
2002Estimating large-scale factor models for economic activity in Germany: Do they outperform simpler models?Dreger, Christian; Schumacher, Christian
2002Modelling the fiscal effects of aid: An impulse response approach for GhanaMorrissey, Oliver; Osei, Robert; Lloyd, Tim
2002Competition intensity, potential competition and transaction cost economicsBusse, Matthias
2002Spatial dependence of regional unemployment in the European UnionNiebuhr, Annekatrin
2002Dollarization, bailouts, and the stability of the banking systemGale, Douglas; Vives, Xavier
2002Coordination failures and the lender of last resort: Was Bagehot right after all?Rochet, Jean-Charles; Vives, Xavier
2002Die Real-Business-Cycle Theorie und ihre Relevanz für die KonjunkturanalyseLucke, Bernd
2002Liberalization in telecommunicationsKnorr, Andreas
2002Interactions between national and regional developmentDavies, Sara; Hallet, Martin
2002Why do countries form regions? The political economy of regional integrationShams, Rasul
2002Integration effects in border regions: A survey of economic theory and empirical studiesNiebuhr, Annekatrin; Stiller, Silvia
2002Konjunkturtheorie und empirische KonjunkturanalyseSchips, Bernd
2002Employment and growth effects of tax reforms in a growth-matching modelBirk, Angela; Michaelis, Jochen
2002Investment policies and telecommunications regimesDrabek, Zdenek
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 141 bis 160 von 306
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